
The dancer is the choreographer's executant.


I would use another way to do this if I was the executant.


She encouraged free love and she herself was the executant [5] of that idea.


But no matter be machinator or executant, we can hearten, it is good to insist to do it do it.


Yinjiao Du is a master-level executant who has been trained strictly and normatively in professional skills.


Comrade Zheng Peimin is the paradigmatic executant of the mass line of the party.


Protect the specific executant of the project and impeller as gold, liability of information center director is great.


The imagination and reins is the base on which the executant can represent the theme of the opus successfully.


There are three parts in this chapter-imagination, reins and mentation of the executant on the stage.


It not only requires the executant's keen orig inal judgment but also requires the executant's skill to express his ability.


Protein is not only the final executant of life functions but also the key to understand physiological,pathological and pharmacological functions.


Second, We also perform GMP quality system on additive;the behavior is the first executant in this industry, to keep the stable quality of product.


The cadre of leaders of all levels of our party is the executant that establish and implements scientific progress concept and responsibility person.


Li Hanhun was not only an anti-Japanese patriotic military leader, but also an executant of the counter-communist policy of the Kuomintang.


Group work cadre is the executant of the course policy policy of the party, it is party and the bridge that people contacts and ligament.


In the end the dissertation introduced the main methods to alleviate the anxiety of the executant and some popular therapeutics in the world.


Good executant, proponent, participator and protector are become in leading a cadre to want to beat a fight in anti-corruption.


"Knowing-nothing" is a brave rebel of intellect, a faithful executant of equality, and a rational seeker for truth and knowledge.


Not have the soul of an executant (of my own projects). Find, for each shot, a new pungency over and above what I had imagined. Invention (re-invention) on the spot.


Responsibility1. Lead TV &OOH media scheduling per activity grid2. Effectively BTL activities planning &execut...... ...


Leader cadre serves as the executant of party and national policy policy, they observe national socioeconomy situation is having distinctive perspective.


Combining withthe theories of psychology and music aesthetics this dissertation discussed how to train imagination and how to control and inspire the reins of the executant.


A reform whether carry out and gain a success, depend on it whether the support that wins most person, reform the support of executant especially among them.

任何改革都是对利益关系的调整,都 会不同程度地影响每个人的利益,领导干 部的切身利益自然也在其中。一项改革能 否实施并取得成功,取决于它能否获得大 多数人的支持,其中非凡是改革执行者的 支持。领导干部作为改革的重要推动力 量,他们对改革的拥护程度、价值取向,在 很大程度决定了改革的成与败。

Job Description 1. Lead a crossfunction team to execut project on cost, on time and on Quality according the Hel...... ...


There is execut the family planning policy in China,insiste the way of contraception ,to protect the healthy of weman and children.


The rural basic government is not only the supervisor and organizer of the rural public affairs, but also the explainer and executant of policies formulated by the higher-level governments.


Executant have to breath the air nonstop for keep the music continuously, but human vital capacity is limited, and for keep the nonstop music , the air should be inspire to the lung when you play.


If we refer a paragraph of music, the pertinent information such as the style 、 executant that searchs song of 、 of the person that engine meets those who return a general term for ci and qu make.


But Shao Xiaofeng got used to new post very quickly in mentally, discover the person that use from what pay treasure turns to executant, can understand the requirement of the user more.


In the last part of this chapter the dissertation analyzed the change of the executant"s psychological and physical conditions and discussed the elements, which result in the anxiety of the executant.


The imitation of all or part of one computer system by anot her, primarily by hardware, so that the imitating computer system accepts the same data, execut es the same programs, and achieves the same results as the imitated computer system.


For the design of execution model,they exte nd the constraint propagation in CLP to strategies of"determinate goals execut ed first"and"least assumption"in order to maximally prune the search space.


Part 2 From the view of the executant’s live mental activities , it analyses the two mental factors which affect the live performance : the mental tension and the attention of the executants .


Analysis of UWS-HPM Irradiation Effect on Executant Circuit of Radio Fuze


Taking up the Cudgel for A Just Cause and the Compensation for Injury to the Executant




executant of folk music


the imitation of all or part of one computer system by anot her,primarily by hardware,so that the imitating computer system accepts the same data,execut es the same programs,and achieves the same results as the imitated computer system
