
For two millennia,exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.


McLennan then goes on toask: Whence this custom of exogamy?


Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.


Incest rules and rules of exogamy are related, not identical.


For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.


The chief of these questions respect the origin of exogamy and of endogamy.


He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S.


Last, it analyzes the relationship between totemism and exogamy, and the three functions of exogamy.


Exogamy prevents the ill effects of inbreeding and promotes evolution of human race.


He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young,native-born Asians in New England (the U.S. Northeast),for example.


Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans, exogamy -- marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent, he and others estimate.


But, owing to the nature of ancient kinship, as we have seen it, exogamy afforded no proper security against the intermixture of persons near of kin.


Hong Kong Literature; incest taboo; kunisexuality; Freud; sexology; exogamy; natural aversion; regression; guilt; genetics.


He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S. Northeast), for example.


On the whole, the account which we have given of the origin of exogamy, appears the only one which will bear examination.


He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S.Northeast), for example.


Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans,exogamy -- marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent,he and others estimate.


Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans,but it has increased enormously,from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today.

异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。虽然如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10% 。

Having now made the muddle complete, he could give himself up to the profoundest inquiries as to which of his two absurd classes was the older exogamy or endogamy.


Cao-Miao people have been strictly practicing endogamy, lineal exogamy and rank endogamy, which has brought about harmful effect on improvement of population quality and huma...


And again: "It is a curious fact that nowhere now, that we are aware of, is infanticide a system where exogamy and the earliest form of kinship co-exist."(Ibid., p. 146.


Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans, but it has increased enormously, from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today.

异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。 虽然如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10% 。

And again: "It is a curious fact that nowhere now, that we are aware of, is infanticide a system where exogamy and the earliest form of kinship co-exist."( Ibid.


Conversely, we may say that, wherever exogamy can be found, we may confidently expect to find, after due investigation, at least traces of a system, of capture.


This preference for exogamy, Gutman suggests, may have derived fromWest African rules governing marriage, which, though they differed from one tribalsgroupsto another, all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.


We now confidently submit that the conditions requisite for this inference have been amply established in the three preceding chapters; so that we may conclude that wherever capture, or the form of capture, prevails, or has prevailed, exogamy.


Under the function of "relatively loosening" strategy and exogamy, the population development of the ethnic groups will keep increasing speed to over 200 million in 2050 as predicted.


For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. (In many communities, prayers for the dead were recited for a Jew who married a non-Jew.) As a result, out-marriage was rare.


There is no antithesis between endogamy and exogamy;


On Factors in Exogamy during the Process of Modernization


8.For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.


"exogamy:The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit."


And again: "It is a curious fact that nowhere now, that we are aware of, is infanticide a system where exogamy and the earliest form of kinship co-exist."(Ibid., p. 146.)


The Investigation of Exogamy Hui People's Famivy Structwre and the Changes of Their Customs in Huo shao tun Viuage Shili Country, Song pan County, si Chuan Province


clan exogamy



n. 异族通婚

so that the McLennanites, who had hitherto been helplessly reeling to and fro between exogamy and endogamy, could only beat their brows and exclaim: "How could we be such fools as not to think of that for ourselves long ago?"
