
Here's a little pop factoid for you.


Allow me to give you a little factoid on robots.


Step 3: Take her factoid and apply it to yourself in a fictional fashion.


Yeah, all we need to do is to convince a majority of people that some factoid is true.


Stop telling me factoid! I just don't care what kind of conveyer system is used in the airport!.


WIWI: Yeah, all we need to do is to convince a majority of people that some factoid is true.


A factoid is a tatement that sounds like a fact, walks and talks like a fact, but is, in fact, not a fact.


This reveals a rarely known factoid about the earthly counters: why are those 12 animals chosen?


The moral of this factoid is that requirements, standards, and constraints for a project come from a variety of sources.


Deprecated. Gets or sets the string name of the factoid used by the PenInputPanel object. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.


Britain's Guardian then added the delicious factoid that at one point the only people Hita saw were Buddhist monks and Richard Gere.


Every clause, every punctuation mark, every plot twist, puzzle, and factoid is engineered precisely to flatter our intelligence.


The experiment on extracting answer for Chinese factoid question is done.The experiment results make a very good effect that the MRAR value equals 0.28.


They are named entity (person name, location name and organization name) tagging rules, factoid (date, time, percentage, etc.) tagging rules and disambiguation rules.


la factoid, hire purchase commitment, stockpile, IT sector, lime cordial.

新用户贡献:加入翻译社区并参与 加入 bab.

2. Stop telling me factoid! I just don't care what kind of conveyer system is used in the airport!.


Every clause, every punctuation mark, every plot twist, puzzle, and factoid is engineered precisely to flatter our intelligence.This isn't necessarily something to sneer at;



n. (仅因出现在出版物上而被信以为真的) 仿真陈述