
Jack managed to bunt the fastball.


But his regular four-seam fastball is legit, too.


NO10>He has a quick fastball and a great curveball.


He usually starts hitters away with his fastball.


He has a quirky windup but his fastball is great.


He also can set off the fastball with a splitter.


Give me a fastball every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.


Plan: He uses his fastball to get ahead in the count.


Wang's primary pitch is a sinking fastball and it has served him well.


Harada Takumi, an aloof junior high school boy who has a great arm, meets Nagakura Go, who can catch Takumi's fastball.


Some are to get the batter off balance, have him swing early, and to make the fastball seem faster to the batter.


It's true, Wang relies on a sinker to get groundball outs, not a fastball in order to tally strike outs.


Life is like a baseball game. When you think a fastball is coming, You gotta be ready to hit the curve.


Kuroda throws a two-and four-seam fastball, a splitter and a slider that has been called a shuuto.


Phil Coke struck out Martinez with a high fastball, and Phil Hughes retired the pinch-hitter Santos on a pop to right.


Generally, a straight change-up is thrown with the same spin as a fastball, but around 10 mph slower.


C.J., if one of these guys could throw a split fingered fastball, we'd send in the USS Eisenhower.


But their fastball stops popping and their slider stops breaking and they end up in a MRI tube.


He's most comfortable using it off his fastball and in hitter counts (1-0, 2-0).

他最喜欢在快速球后以及在(1-0, 2-0)后使用。

Losing confidence in his changeup and sinker, Pettitte said he trudged on trying to rely on just his fastball and cutter.


Masters of the changeup use it effectively to make their fastball seem faster and to fool batters into waving their bat at the pitch.


The splitseam fastball is a slower version of the fastball thrown with the two fingers spread apart, but not as wide apart as the forkball.


He's getting historical now, and his latest home run came on a fastball that Greinke and Buck both said was on the inside corner.


He'll throw the fastball inside off the plate to set up his off-speed pitches, and he will use it up in the zone with two strikes.


Rogers doesn't throw as hard as he once did but he still has good movement on his fastball and knows how to spot it well.


Of the 90 pitches he threw, Igawa, who relies on a slurve, fastball and changeup, never unleashed one that traveled faster than 91 miles per hour.


He has an aggressive approach aimed at getting ahead of hitters and to do so he relies on a sinking fastball, sharp curve and a very good change-up.


Igawa throws a fastball, changeup and curveball, and the scout said his curve could be his best pitch if he learned to control it.


Martin said having two breaking balls of different speeds allows Kuo to still be effective even if his fastball isn't particularly sharp.


And then came Kuo, completing the trifecta with a 412-foot shot, a fastball redirected into the all-you-can-eat bleachers in right field.


But Wakefield used his trademark knuckleball to set up a sneaky fastball, ducking and weaving the New York bats in tight spots.


This year、my fastball location has gotten better and I'm at the point with my curveball where I can throw it in any count at any time.


Plan: He gets strike one with his fastball and he does it on the first pitch. He usually starts hitters away with his fastball.


The hitter is fooled because he sees the same spin, thinks fastball, and swings way too early for a ball thrown much more slowly.


So take it from a dead-red fastball hitter: once you master your strike zone, you can win your battle with that curveball by just taking it in stride.


Swing too late at a fastball, and the smack of the ball striking the catcher's glove will reach your ears before your bat passes through the strike zone.


Kuroda generally tries to keep his fastball on the outer half of the plate, so he throws his sinker more to left-handed batters; it has good movement away from them.


Wang was incredibly efficient. He threw his four-seam fastball 94-95 miles per hour, and delivered a hard sinker that was awfully tough. He controlled both sides of the plate.


He attended a sports college, Taipei Ti Wu University, and was signed by the Yankees for about $2 million in 2000, with a hard, straight fastball as his primary weapon.


"You know he's looking down on you, and he's going to help us battle through the season," said Weaver, who struck out eight while mixing a crisp fastball with a superb changeup.


Knowing that the Blue Jays were familiar with his sinker, Wang used his slider, four-seam fastball and a split-finger fastball more often, along with a few changeups.


To his left is Scott Williamson, the former Major League standout with the blazing fastball who's trying to make a comeback after taking much of last year off.


Now, Chamberlain said, he's employing five pitches, adding in the curveball, changeup, and a two-seam fastball that he learned from fellow pitcher Chien-Ming Wang.


Of his career-high 114 pitches, Wang said he threw 12 changeups and at least 40 sliders. He also worked in an occasional four-seam fastball that stayed high in the strike zone.


"It seemed like his fastball was moving a lot," Johnny Damon said, observing from out in left field."It definitely kept them off guard.He was making it look pretty easy.


The difference in him starting and relieving is that he has the time to establish his fastball, and when the hitters cheat, he can use his offspeed [pitches] more.


Following the First Interstate fiasco, Morgan Stanley management watched the way I traded like a baseball manager watches a slugger beaned by a fastball.


It was perplexing that night that Wang seemed to have less trouble controlling the slider and change of pace he has been mixing into his arsenal this year than he did with his bread-and-butter, the low to mid-nineties fastball.


Wang was just supposed to be Randy Johnson's little mascot at first, except that the rookie had this remarkable sinker and a four-seam fastball that rode in on hitters and traveled 95 mph.


Chien-Ming Wang actually throws a 102mph fastball, But after he killed a moose who strayed onto the practice field while he was firing away in 2004 he vowed to never throw that hard again.
