
The thunders flashed amount the clouds lit a fierily fire.


Rain also lightly to the next.“City adventure" fierily conducted.


New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism.


Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.


Some women are the moon who never shines as fierily and dazzlingly as the sun.Also she doesn't move with sparkles as the stars always do.


Another work in the same placing heard a word one time this, can't help complexion is hoar, he is impatient fierily cried to rise, "My day!


Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.


Competition to stock exchange is fierily when my country join WTO, we must take active measure and prepare to facing challenage ,radicating development idee and international development strategy.

在我国加入WTO融入世界经济大潮之际,全球证券交易所的竞争呈白热化。 在证券市场结构变革加速的背景下,我国证券交易所必须未雨绸缪,直面体制转轨和国际化的双重挑战,采取积极措施,为最终确立竞争导向的发展理念和国际化的发展战略做好准备。

Not being able to restrain their joy, they chatted fierily for a whole afternoon and Mary’s conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.However, Irene could find the change in Mary’s characters.


With the reform and opening up of more than twenty years, market economy has fierily influenced all the walks of life in China.The mass media is one of the calling which has changed most.


both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people; a fierily opinionated book


both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people; a fierily opinionated book.


3. Interrogatio partium fieri a iudice potest in quovis stadio iudicii ante conclusionem in causa;post conclusionem in causa servetur praescriptum can.1861.



adv. 如火地, 炽热地, 猛烈地


n. 费里(在阿尔巴尼亚,东经 19º36' 北纬 40º4')

fieri feacias

[法] 财物扣押令, 扣押债务人动产令

fieri feci

[法] 执行报告

in fieri

[法] 在履行的过程中

fieri facias

[拉][律]强制执行命令, 扣押债务人动产令(略作fi. fa.)