
Serbian language scholar and folklorist.


This event began as "Tucson Meet Yourself" and was founded by University of Arizona folklorist Dr. Jim Griffith.


A folklorist who was documenting life in the South,made a recording of Carter leading his fellow inmates in song while they labored under the blazing Mississippi sun.

当时一位名叫Neil Lomax的民俗学家正在研究记录美国南部地区的风土人情,他偶然录下了卡特和他的狱友顶着炎炎烈日在密西西比河畔劳作时哼唱的他们自己创作的歌曲。

A folklorist who was documenting life in the South, made a recording of Carter leading his fellow inmates in song while they labored under the blazing Mississippi sun.

当时一位名叫Neil Lomax的民俗学家正在研究记录美国南部地区的风土人情,他偶然录下了卡特和他的狱友顶着炎炎烈日在密西西比河畔劳作时哼唱的他们自己创作的歌曲。

A folklorist without technical training in music may learn to recognize at least the general character of modal music by listening to the melodies of Gregorian chants or by playing the white keys of a piano.


Folklorist Francis Lee Utley has referred to this area of religious legends as "an uncharted wilderness" that requires the use of numerous sources, both written and oral, for its successful exploration.

民俗学家弗朗西斯,李 - 尤特雷把宗教传说这个领域比作“未开垦的处女地”,需要开发取之不尽的口传或手写资源,才能成功地进行探索。

The anthropologist and folklorist had paid a good deal of attention to extraordinary influence of geographical environment and humane landscape on the living conditions of the crowd.


Analyzing the implied meaning in embroidered patterns on the folk garment in the viewpoint of a folklorist




The Spanish-American memoria--newspaper verses memorializing the dead--have been considered to be folk poetry, leading folklorist T. M. Pearce, an investigator of this and other local verse, to propose this definition of a folk poet:

西班牙裔美国人所写的纪念词,即在报纸上发表的悼念死者的韵文,也被看作是民间诗歌。 民俗学的先导T - M - 珀西,曾调查了这一领域和其他的诗歌,对民间诗人作了如下的定义: