
It were a freakish affair, weren't it?


Flossing is no longer freakish.


Strange or unusual; freakish.


Blizzard is freakish, it is to acquire larger interest apparently.


His understanding of probabilities and payoffs was freakish.


Every kind of strange and freakish behavior you can imagine.


So I survived the darkest moment of my freakish sickness this time.Cheers!

不过因为前几天的症状奇怪 (从周五开始), 所以我现在也不敢吃感冒药.

Paul Robinson falls foul to a freakish divot when England are already losing and who takes every single headline?


After many generations of increasingly weird finny fish, I evolved a fish so freakish that it wouldn't breed anymore.


The other 10 per cent are guilty of freakish and anti-social behaviour on websites.


I don't like going over to her apartment. She's got this freakish cat that has only three legs and one eye.


When the two crews recover, they find that the two ships have fused together in a freakish amalgam.


This thing, this freakish compulsion, may be the hardest element of the game to quantify.


Susan will probably win Britain's Got Talent. ... But Susan Boyle will be the freakish exception that makes the rule.


I think the problem is that Chinese guys can often be freakish and weird in their attentions.


Still, he has a freakish level of athleticism and a propensity for making exhilarating plays.


Alan Freakish: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I gave him a job?


In the third chapter, a question survey on freakish children"s rhyme is presented.


Voters don't like non-traditional game plans, and his achievements might be seen as too freakish.


It's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare.


"It was a freakish incident.If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again.


Later, I was told that Duncan's fight, which lasted nearly a fortnight, was the result of freakish strength and willpower.


It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could; I would have carried on playing!


Freezing temperatures in NSW and Victoria may get worse before they get better, as the two states continue to shiver through a freakish cold snap.


Think about it...LeBron averages more points because he gets to the rim with ease;using speed, athleticism, and freakish strength.


The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish ‘afterlife.


The real humanitarian fi asco is not the inadequate preparation of these nations, and many others, for freakish catastrophes.


The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish afterlife.


The strange thing is: even seasoned Klinsmann-bashers found it very hard to place any specific blame at his feet after this freakish match.


A monstrous mutation, once implying freakish severity, was newly seen as simply a flip, a mere deviation from the average variation.


In a freakish incident, the visitors briefly levelled after a long punt from goalkeeper Floyd Croll was caught by the wind and bounced over the backpedalling Tim Howard.


If you're unlucky, his freakish trajectory puts him directly on course to impact horribly in the centre of your world in a shocking mushroom cloud of dust and yellow cards.


Baseball can always use more freakish and unusual performances, if nothing else to remind all of us know-it-alls that cats can be skinned more than one way.


Most LeBron fans would say he is better than Kobe because of his domination on the stats sheet, his leadership skills, and his freakish athleticism at such a young age.


Despite what the media would have you believe, a freakish monster made up of spare parts from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is not the current President.


As a linguistic phenomenon, freakish children"s rhyme is prevalent in campus whose emergence and dissemination exert certain influence on students" physical and mental growth.


It sounds like a freakish ailment from a horror movie: Sores erupt on your skin, mysterious threads pop out of them, and you feel like tiny bugs are crawling all over you.


An upcoming jewelry offering from Disney's fashion collection for young men is a ring that depicts a rabid-looking Mickey Mouse with freakish long fangs.


The general sense of worry provided by the substance was amplified and focused into terror by the use of the empty spaceship setting, and freakish half-human enemies.


The freakish winter storms that coated much of central and southern China in snow and ice have left 129 people dead so far this year, a senior Chinese official said Saturday.


Snyder, who possesses freakish athleticism and should benefit from a more open offense under Adelman, unfortunately is just not as good as the other options.


But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favor to the clergyman.


Thus the freakish geographical distribution of a curious and useless botanical product threw together two peoples who were about as widely separated geographically as it was possible to be.


That's the mindset that taken Kobe Bryant to the level of transcendent basketball player, as he reminded in a defensive effort of freakish dedication against Miami's Dwyane Wade on Sunday night.


Since they graft human genes onto animal bodies and alter human genes with animals strains, this mutual genetic modification produces a freakish, mutant, hybrid that resembles neither parent.


Parents these days invest loads of time and research into coming up with the perfect name岸not too common or trendy, but hopefully not too freakish that the kid will get a complex.


a capricious summer breeze; freakish weather.


freakish weather; a freakish combination of styles.


“It was a freakish incident.


“You could see really freakish things and we probably will,” he warned.
