
My brain's in a fuddle.


JUst let him go, since he has been in such a fuddle state.


Allegedly outstanding investor Lei Jun once fuddle one's cap is celebrated 3 days with showing.


Macaque is drunk fuddle one's cap, doff garment hat with nothing left, full ground rolls about.


People drink celebrate, everybody is drunk fuddle one's cap, like that we got on after by turns she.


Wine is celebrated, everybody is drunk fuddle one's cap, like that we got on after by turns that bellwether.


When the cold wind in the morning wakes him up from the fuddle the night before, he is again refreshed and high-spirited.


He falls in a bigger pain, which reminds him of the scene he fuddle himself with homemade alcohol his parents bought while his heart felt painful.


One day, come back after the fuddle one's cap that he drinks again, his wife did not manage he he himself mounts a bed to sleep.


The former might confuse the readers and fuddle their comprehension, while the latter might neglect the author’s intention and lower the translation’s class.


Mr Sonnenfeldt was contemptuous of other interpreters at Nuremberg who, through a thick lard of Swabian consonants or Polish syntax, could fuddle questioner and questioned alike.


There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus and upset the convictions and debauch the emotions of an audience not practised in the tricks and delusions of oratory.


to fuddle oneself with whisky


9 see joke: A prefectural officer is drunk all the day fuddle one's cap.

9看笑话: 有个县官整天喝得大醉。

9 see joke: A fuddle one's cap that loves nonabstainer classics tipple just came home once upon a time.

9看笑话: 从前有个爱喝酒的人经常喝的大醉才回家。

‘Ha-ha-ha, you intend to fuddle me? This time I'll let you know my strength to drink. Cheers.’ Mr. Wan drinks another cup of liquor.


9 see joke: Have a person that good wine is too fond of drink, want drink to get fuddle one's nose everyday, his wife special detest, always want to try to make he mends his ways.

9看笑话: 有个好酒贪杯的人,每天都要饮得大醉,他的妻子非常厌恶,总想设法使他改过。

fuddle oneself with whisky


a fuddle of books


in a fuddle state



v. 使错乱, 灌醉, 使烂醉 n. 混乱

fuddle away


fuddle one's cap

v. 大醉

fuddle one's nose

v. 大醉

fuddle oneself


1. My brain's in a fuddle .


be on the fuddle


(3) THE LAW: As proved in over 83% of the accidents in the United States in 2003 the impact you were subjected to is clearly the fault of “Fumbling” Fred Fuddle, so the law is on your side.
