
The excitement to galvanise oneself into action.


Another aim of the plan was apparently to use the media to galvanise nationalist support against Armenia and Greece.


Some claim a credo can help to galvanise an electorate bored by consensual centrism.


His return to the fold would galvanise Macca's duds and, hopefully, give Rooney the foil he is desperate for.


If Mr.Obama was white, his vision for America would still galvanise the population.


Both "extreme rightwing and extreme leftwing" elements are looking to "use the fact that people are out of jobs" to galvanise support, he said.


Analysts say they do not expect product safety to be the sort of issue that will galvanise middle-class political activism.


Although many Chinese citizens have grievances against officialdom, these would be hard to galvanise into an organised protest movement.


But global leaders have shown in their response to the financial crisis that fear of catastrophe can galvanise co-ordinated and collective action.


Hamas will now galvanise support using the most powerful symbol possible, a martyr whose face was already a national totem.


Speaking for the first time since Thursday's assassination attempt in Karachi, Ms Bhutto tried to galvanise support for a campaign against terrorism.


Hopes that power shortages in China will eliminate some of this local production and galvanise imports are wide of the mark.


Indeed, I hope that it will help galvanise forces that will usher in a new era of human liberty in our beloved motherland.


In such a contest, each camp tries to galvanise not just its own supporters but also the bystanders who might be attracted by one view or other.


But it is now grimly apparent that the initial bail-out, while it may have prevented an outright collapse of the banking system, failed to galvanise lending.


John McCain, the presumptive Republican candidate, opposes abortion, and the possibility that Roe could be overturned is likely to galvanise Democratic voters in the autumn.


With much still to argue over, they hope that a clear scientific lead will both help to narrow the room for disagreement and also galvanise the desire to get a treaty agreed.


Wintergrasp is a kitchen-sink attempt to create a single, intense focus for world PVP, with more involved gameplay and set event times to galvanise players into fighting.


The image has helped to instil fear in opposition ranks but some observers predicted that it might also galvanise the wavering protest movement in the weeks ahead as it mourns her death.


Under pressure from Mr Obama, who argued that progress on the Palestinian issue would help galvanise an Arab coalition to confront Iran, Mr Netanyahu has since adjusted his positions.


"However, we will need to galvanise the squad in the summer because if Paolo Maldini retires and we don't keep Giuseppe Favalli then we need another defender to help Thiago Silva out.


The 1989 killings in Beijing have become a distant memory.Although many Chinese citizens have grievances against officialdom, these would be hard to galvanise into an organised protest movement.


Malaysians can see through the carefully orchestrated play on religion and politics, aimed to bring about a racial clash to rally the Malays behind UMNO, after its failure to galvanise their support.


United have the Premier League to fight for and a Champions League quarter final to come, and Sir Alex's hope is that this defeat will galvanise his squad for the rest of the season.


actuate, expedite, foment, galvanise, goad, impel, incite, induce, instigate, kindle, precipitate, promote, whet, impetus.

表“ 刺激、促使、鼓动” 之意:

they hope that a clear scientific lead will both help to narrow the room for disagreement and also galvanise the desire to get a treaty agreed.



v. 通电流, 唤醒, 电镀 =galvanize(美)

” United have the Premier League to fight for and a Champions League quarter final to come, and Sir Alex’s hope is that this defeat will galvanise his squad for the rest of the season.
