
Gautama was a contemporary of Mahavira.


Could the flash of wisdom that came over Siddhartha Gautama ?


Gautama Buddha realised that his bodily end was fast approaching.


Golden-faced Gautama really disregarded his listeners.


It consists of the teachings of the Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha.


At the age of thirteen, Gautama was escorted by his attendant Channa on four subsequent visits outside of the palace.


Vajrayana thus attempts to recapture the Enlightenment experience of the Gautama Buddha.


It was written by Aksapada Gautama at an indeterminate date, but probably in the second century BCE.


Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious.


Sakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism.His lay family name was Gautama and his name was Siddhartha.


I love Gautama the Buddha because he represents to me the essential core of religion.


Gautama the Buddha has started a spirituality that is nonrepressive and nonideological.That is a very rare phenomenon.


Maitreya零 coming coincides with a new school of teaching to surpass that of the original Gautama Buddha.


Gautama's father was the king of Kapilavastu in Magadha, and Gautama was born a prince, destined to a life of luxury.


They returned from Afghanistan with an image of Gautama Buddha, 42 sutras and two eminent monks.


Years after this, Gautama married Yasodhara, with whom he had a son, Rahula, who later became a Buddhist monk.


Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in the famous gardens of Lumbini, which soon became a place of pilgrimage.


Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the teachings of the Buddha Gautama (or Gautama), who lived as early as the 6th century BC.


Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.


His father, wishing for Gautama to be a great king, shielded his son from religious teachings or knowledge of human suffering.


Abstract: Chinese Zen Buddhism opposes idolization and crazy adoration of northern folk to Gautama, it also opposes the dogmatism of southern folk.

文章摘要: 禅宗既反对北方民间对释迦牟尼的狂热崇拜和偶像化,也反对南方士大夫崇尚义理,苦研佛经的教条化。

Chinese Zen Buddhism opposes idolization and crazy adoration of northern folk to Gautama, it also opposes the dogmatism of southern folk.


Enlightenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.


A curse died on my lips, because we were in a deeply religious Buddhist region and I didn't want to offend the gentle Gautama or his followers.


Kushinagar was chosen because it is the fourth holiest site in Buddhism. Gautama Buddha gave his last sermon, took his last sip of water, died, and was cremated here.


Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini (a town situated in modern Nepal, near the Indian border) under the full moon of May to the clan of the Shakyas, a warrior tribe.


The coming also signifies the end of the middle time in which humans currently reside (characterized as a low point of human existence between the Gautama Buddha and Maitreya).


Although his father ensured that Gautama was provided with everything he could want or need, Gautama was constantly troubled and internally dissatisfied.


When Gautama seated himself under the bodhi tree to await enlightenment, the evil Mara appeared in the guise of a messenger claiming that a rival had usurped the family throne.


Maharishi Gautama (Founder of the Niyaya philosophy and the philosophy and practice of yoga): I was severely shocked when I realized that God is the Parent of humankind.


In 600 B.C., around the time of the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha, India was comprised of many small communities under different rulers, some organized in to kingdoms but for the most part, in to small city states.


Explained by Gautama Buddha, he also stated that there is no intermediary between mankind and the divine; distant gods and God are subjected to karma themselves in decaying heavens.


Before he was incarnated as Gautama Siddartha, the Buddha resided in heaven, and told his followers that he had been Indra thirty-six times, and many hundred times ruler of the world.


now known as Gautama Buddha, or simply "The Buddha".


Explained by Gautama Buddha, he also stated that there is no intermediary between mankind and the divine;


2 Together Jesus and Barata read the Jewish Psalms and Prophets; read the Vedas, the Avesta and the wisdom of Gautama.


“Crystal exterminated the Gautama clan and Good Stars lied and said that all dharmas are empty.


2.Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the teachings of the Buddha Gautama (or Gautama), who lived as early as the 6th century BC.


Statement of the basic doctrines of Buddhism.They were formulated by the Buddha Gautama in his first sermon.The truths are (1) existence is suffering;


14.Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in the famous gardens of Lumbini, which soon became a place of pilgrimage.


3.Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.


Gautama Buddha



n. 乔答摩(释迦牟尼之俗性)

Gautama Siddhartha
