
Ghent gobbled Imperial encrypt codes as a hobby.


It even looks as though the idea may attract more tourism to Ghent.


The Belgian city of Ghent has declared Thursdays meat-free days.


Two days after his arrival on Coruscant, Ghent had Ackbar cleared.


The XC60 will be built at the Volvo Cars factory in Ghent, Belgium.


The last S60 rolled off the assembly line at Volvo Cars Ghent on March 31st.


Verzameld Werk is a small company in Ghent that sells’applied art’.


A city which has tackled this issue effectively is Ghent in Belgium.


At Ghent, Baekeland would have had a secure career and support for his chemistry experiments.


Rogge grew up in the medieval Flemish harbor city of Ghent, where he learned to sail.


Now the city has an effective transportation plan which includes Ghent City bicycles for staff and outlying parking.


However, jobs will also go at its second plant in Ghent, Belgium, and at overseas sales subsidiaries.


The MoU was signed in Ghent, Belgium, following a Cooperation Summit of Bayer CropScience and CAAS earlier this year.


Volvo's Ghent plant employs 4,000 workers and produced 180,000 Volvo vehicles last year.


He received numerous commissions from the town of Ghent (processional banners, heraldic shields, etc.) through 1475.


While incredibly proficient with a computer, Ghent's streetwise skills could have used a little work.


Ghent today has become an industrial city, a modern city with numerous disorders.


British forces had begun the attack about the time the peace treaty was being signed in Ghent.


The Belgian city of Ghent has declared Thursdays meat-free days. Should cities around the world join in the vegolution?


JAN JOLIE began his career as a theorist, receiving his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Ghent in Belgium in 1986.


Scientists at the University of Ghent, in Belgium, have a found a protein called M2 that seems to be present in every known flu strain.


"In the vast majority of cases, rhinosinusitis is a self-limiting disease," said Dr.An De Sutter, of Ghent University Hospital in Belgium.


Furthermore, Ms.Pan trained in European Union Law Program of Ghent University, Belgium and had training in HongKong and Macau.


Little is known of RHJ's plans for Opel, though the automaker's Ghent, Belgium, plant might have been a priority for RHJ.


One of the events was the battle of New Orleans.British forces had begun the attack about the time the peace treaty was being signed in Ghent.


After a short stint as a professor at another school, he returned to Ghent University to become a professor, do research, and be near Celine again.


Sorgeloos. al. amaanual fir the culture and use of brine shrimp Artemia in aquaculture[M].State niversity of Ghent, Belgium, 1986.319.


Ghent, a city in northern Belgium, is seeking to make every Thursday a day free of meat, fish and shellfish, which are the city's renowned delicacies.


In his month-long stay on Coruscant, Ghent even sliced through the pulse transmitter encrypt code used by the mysterious Delta Source.


Karrde suspected the funds allocated to Ackbar's account were the work of an expert slicer, and wanted Ghent to prove his suspicions.


Heyde and I (all then at the University of Ghent in Belgium), together with Alejandro Frank of the University of Mexico, proposed an extension of Iachello's supersymmetry.


"There has been a massive increase in demand for vegetarian dishes at my restaurant over the past few years," Wim Vandamme, a Ghent restauranteur told me.


At present professor of sculptures at the “High School of Science and Arts” in Ghent and professor of ceramics at the “Academy of Fine Arts” in Eeklo .


A new pellet-fired biomass plant supplies 70 percent of the heating requirements for the Ghent plant and energy for the combustion process is provided by solar cells on the roof.


Ghent's slicing career brought him to the legitimate side of the law, as his continued assistance to New Republic Intelligence garnered him a number of valuable contacts.


A short time later, when Leia needed to get to the planet Wayland, Ghent rigged a fake Imperial transponder code on the Wild Karrde that allowed it to carry her there.


George of Ghent the right to organize a lottery for four years, with two draws per year, to finance the construction of a guildhall for the Corporation, as well as a chapel.


Ethiopia's world 10000 metre champion Haile and Gabriela from Romania went hunting for world records on the Ghent Indoor Athletics But neither were successful in belgium on Sunday.


"You do not know the men of Liege," said the Chaplain, "of whom it may be said, that, not even excepting those of Ghent, they are at once the fiercest and the most untameable in Europe.


GHENT, Belgium -- June 24, 2006 -- SADDAM-KURDS -- In Ghent, Belgium, Dr.Aubin Heyndrickx on June 12, 2006, holds a hair sample from a woman who died after a bombing in Halabja, Iraq, in 1988.


Production of the car at Volvo's plant in Ghent, Belgium, is scheduled to end next month, marking the end of a eight year product cycle that saw more than 580,000 cars roll off the line.


"I think it's considered to be a landmark paper," said geneticist Frank Speleman of the Center for Medical Genetics Ghent at Ghent University Hospital in Belgium, who was not involved in the work.


is an artist based in Ghent, Belgium.


Gand Ghent Heaviside layer E


"Give us back our father from Ghent, Give us back our father."


Ghent Music Forum of Music, Dance and Visual Culture


The State University of Ghent


clerk of the aldermen of the illustrious city of Ghent.


Belgium Currently lives and works in Ghent, Belgiumand New York, USA


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