
Her name gave the title to the painting Mona Lisa. She was also called La Gioconda,from her husband's name (the French version is La Joconde),and the painting is sometimes referred to as La Gioconda.


Her name gave the title to the painting Mona Lisa. She was also called La Gioconda, from her husband's name (the French version is La Joconde), and the painting is sometimes referred to as La Gioconda.


The painting, which hangs in the Louvre in Paris, is also known as "La Gioconda" meaning the happy or joyful woman in Italian, a title which also suggests the woman's married name.

这幅珍藏在巴黎罗浮宫的肖像作品,被广为传颂为La Gioconda(意思是幸福和欢愉的意大利女人),这个称呼也暗示了她的夫姓。

Ponchielli : Dance of the Hours --from "La Gioconda"


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La Gioconda



n. 蒙娜丽莎的肖像画 adj. (微笑等)迷一般的, 不可思议的