
There is only one God (Godhead), Three Persons.


Every word of the Torah braided crowns for the Godhead.


Every word of the Toran braided crowns for the Godhead.


We believe that he Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead.


The godhead is made up of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.


Every word of the Toran braided crowns for the Godhead .


Therefore, it again proves that Jesus Christ is part of the Triune Godhead.


Sarat's soul longed for the all-embracing realization of the Godhead.


God is both one person (one substance, one godhead), and three persons.


Creation, Lord and Lady Athena, and our Godhead from the 360th dimension.


Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent.


The Three persons in the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The Book of Odes even contains some passages which describe the feminine aspect of the Godhead!


He humbled Himself; He who possessed the fullness of the Godhead took the form of servant.


What!have they partners (in godhead), who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah?


It maintains the godhead of human and takes an indulgent attitude toward human's guilt.


Where does the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifest His supremely wonderful pastime form?


I know not how that Bethlehem's Babe Could in the Godhead be;I only know the Manger ChildHas brought God's life to me.


The only true reality is in the godhead, cosmic Source, according to the masters of all time-proven religions.


One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of that manhood into God.


Oh, for grace to treat the LORD as my God: to trust Him and to serve Him, as His Godhead deserves!


Godhead, Lord Krsna and to plant the seed of devotion in the heart of the conditioned soul.


Equal to the Father as touching His Godhead, and inferior to the Father as touching His manhood.


The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead.


So is it wish the human soul of Christ which mediates between the Godhead of the Son and the dulness of the flesh.


Although fixed in His abode, the Personality of Godhead is swifter than the mind and can overcome all others running.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His feature of eternal time, is present in the material world and is neutral towards everyone.


Actually, the godhead life character in these women is the proud attitude toward life, the deep reverence toward life and the pity born of reverence.


The object of the rituals, attainable only by the divine devotee, is to awaken kundalini energy, which is identified with Shakti, and merge with the Godhead.


If the three persons in the Godhead are "the same in substance, equal in power and glory" then what are the differences between the three persons?


Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them.


For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.


Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed!


Thereafter Jada's son was taken to the abode of Lord Visnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Nevertheless, the Christ, whether one speaks of the Godhead as three dimensional or multidimensional, is seen as an essential part of the Godhead.


Balthazar brought a gold box of frankincense. The gift of frankincense symbolizes the Godhead of Christ and our own gifts of honor and reverence to our indwelling Divinity.


Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno,and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart,he concealed his godhead,and changed his shape,and became a bull.


Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull.


There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the?Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal?in power and glory.


Here are two mysteries for the price of one - the plurality of persons within the unity of God, and the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus.

这涉及两个奥秘: 在独一神里面竟有多过一个位格, 以及在耶稣身上竟是神和人的二合为一, 而且这事正发生在首个圣诞节里。

Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden`s tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull.


Thus he is the actual seer who worships, in the form of transcendental sound representation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vi??u, who has no material form.


After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God.


Rivette has attained almost godhead status among cinephiles, it is not just for his movies but also because he himself has always been a model film buff.


In the Gnostic view, the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead, but because of a tragic fall it is thrown into a world that is completely alien to its real being.


It is very difficult to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in my case, although I have satisfied the Supersoul of the whole universe, I have prayed only for useless things.


There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have honored the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service;and all our holy worship will be fruitless and ineffectual.


His flesh was set before that voracious, gaping dragon as bait to provoke him: flesh that would be deadly for the dragon, for it would utterly destroy him by the power of the Godhead hidden within it.


At the end of the age, Jesus will return to the earth and claim His Church, called the Bride of Christ.His bride will be taken to heaven where she will live with the Godhead eternally.
