
He is also known as the Godson and the Son of Bane.


He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly.


You don't worry about anything but growing my godson in there.


Godson and other RISC CPU have been made in our country.


But marine biologist Lloyd Godson says it's been a dream of his.


For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson.


"And you, godson, you now, you just don't have talent enough.


From then on he called her godmother and she called hi godson.


See, my Godson growth up so much in such as little time.


Johnny is my father's godson.


The Operating System of Godson 1 is Linux, and the Complier is the gnu GCC.


"He will be angry, of course, but because I am his godson he will shut one eye.


Halfhill was given an overview of the Godson in Beijing about two years ago.


Godson CPU+ IP+ Resource profile, hope that we can understand their own chips.


China has produced four Godson processors, the latest being the Godson 2f.


WHEN Lloyd Godson was at university he had himself chained inside a cupboard at the bottom of a swimming pool.


Don Corleone lidded his eyes almost closed and then said, 'And you, godson, you now, you just don't have talent enough.


When they came out of the church, the stranger said, "I now must give my godson his present.


He is his godson,” she added in a tone that suggested that Prince Vassily would be highly delighted to hear this fact.


Zhiwei tries to capture Wenhua by detaining Zheng Kun, but only gets away with Sam, Kun's godson in Thailand.


For example, ARM (China) president Tanjun, Godson CPU engineer and MiniGUI’s linkman WeiYongming, etc.


Godson support the people of this Tencent and also the Godson fighting alongside high hopes.


We analyse the advantages and disadvantages of several popular Java Virtual Machine projects, and port Sun JDK(Java Development Kit) 1.5 to GodSon.

由于服务器程序的特殊行为,它们不适合运行在桌面应用的Java虚拟机上,Sun JDK为此单独包括了一个服务器版的Java虚拟机,其实现了更为强大的JIT编译器。

China is also hard at work on the Godson 3, which is aimed primarily at servers and will be the first Godson to use a multi-core design.


According to tests, the performance of Godson II is 10 times as much as the performance of Godson I. Its maximum frequency is 500 MHz.


Godson 2 E. pipelined instructions every clock cycle from four decoding instructions, Dynamic and fired five full pipeline of functional components.

龙芯2E的指 令流水线每个时钟周期取四条指令进行译码,并且动态地发射到五个全流水的功能部件 中。

"If your don't want to die on the spot," he said, "you must become my servant and pretend I'm the king of England's godson.


It is significant that Godson is born for the CPU core technology, the security of nation and the development of economy.


Godson I, developed on September 28, 2002 by the institute, was the first CPU chip of which China has proprietary intellectual property rights.


Experimental results on ISCAS85 benchmark and Godson CPU show that this algorithm can accelerate calculation over triply with acceptable accuracy (error rate about 0.14%).


According to reports, this product QQ Another feature is full support for China-made Godson CPU, the future will be in the field of education and the promotion of bundled Godson.


Barry Bonds is the son of former Major League All-Star Bobby Bonds, who is the godson of Hall of Famer Willie Mays, and distant cousin of Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson.


Godson is the key state support of independent core technologies, the future of government departments, education industry is expected to be focused on training.


According to reports, another major new product QQ Aspect is fully supported domestic Godson CPU, the future will be in the field of education and the promotion of bundled Godson.


Godson CPU has a completely independent intellectual property rights, in the special high-performance embedded computer in the field has broad market prospects.


Lloyd Godson.


Since Seven called the Warden "Godfather", he felt no need to stand on ceremony with this "godson" he had met for the first tame. After a few more remarks, the two of them presently went into the cabin.


We design and implement two application-level binary translators: Digital Bridge and Digital Bridge V2. These two systems both work under linux for Godson server, and translate the elf file of x86 ISA to Godson ISA( MIPS likely).

本文介绍了我所在二进制翻译研究组设计并实现的两个应用程序级的二进制翻译器:Digital Bridge和Digital Bridge V2。 两个系统都是在linux下,把elf格式的x86文件翻译到GODSON(类MIPS)指令集并在GODSON服务器上运行。

Guided by thelink time optimizer ALTO developed by Arizona University for Alpha, we implement theGLTO (Godson Link Time Optimizer) with consideration of the features of themicroarchitecture and instruction set of Godson-2 Processor.

我们参照Arizona大学为Alpha处理器设计的链接后优化器ALTO,针对龙芯2号处理器的微体系结构和指令集的特征,实现了龙芯上的链接后优化器GLTO(Godson Link TimeOptimizer)。

Probably more anxious will be seven American students from Cascade High School, Idaho, who built the bio-reactor after Mr Godson heard how they used similar technology to filter water in a nearby lake.


It has more advantages and functions than Godson I in terms of operating system supporting, Internet surfing and DVD playing, said Wang Chengwei, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.


He travelled to Surrey to have his first look at his godson in 12 years, encountered Harry in Magnolia Crescent, then headed north to Hogwarts, where he knew Peter (as Scabbers) would be going.


Embedded PC104 Plus CPU Module Based on Godson 2C

基于龙芯2C的嵌入式PC104 Plus处理器模块

A Verilog to C Translate Tool for Godson RTL

龙芯RTL Verilog到C翻译器的设计与实现

Godson 2 Based Integrated Parameter Testing System Design


"I worried about you, you're my godson, that's all."


"Spoken both like your mother and father's son and Sirius's true godson!"


Hardware Encryption Method Based on FPGA Applied in Military Godson Computer


Simulation and Analysis for the High - frequency PCB of Godson Networks Isolating Card


'You've been a fine godson, you've given me all the respect.But what of your other old friends?
