
He rolled his eyes heavenward.


The treetop points heavenward.


I only pray our life be long,And our souls together heavenward fly!


Look heavenward...seek a falling star.........grant yourself a wish.


Win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.


A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward .


A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward.


But, if they seek to glorify God, let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands!


Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


But originally the tolling was intended to prevent evil forces from interfering with the soul's heavenward journey.


Birds will sing their songs to greet the mornings, leaves will unfurl and daffodils will fight their way heavenward.


We are the wingless birds, and our duties and tasks are the pinions God has made to lift us up and carry us heavenward.


I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


Leaves had unfurled, goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.


Love never come back, a man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward.


The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow.


Stepping outside and gazing heavenward on a star-studded evening always helps to soothe my soul after a trouble-filled day.


He was shocked to see a pale red glow in the sky to the east, a glow that was slowly spreading, accompanied by occasional sparks shooting heavenward.


They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where Potter was lying, and FACING Potter, with his nose pointing heavenward.

他们转身看见那条陌生的狗在离躺着的莫夫 - 波特不到几英尺的地方,脸冲着他,正仰天长嗥。

The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward , as if in token of the vow.


A man's heart is a firework that once in its time flashes heavenward .Meteor-like ,it blazes for a moment and lights with its glory the whole world beneath .


Or, perchance, his sensitive temperament was invigorated by the loud and piercing music, that swelled heavenward, and uplifted him on its ascending wave.


We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of the graceful moonligt, even though miles apart./ I only pray our life be long, and our souls together heavenward fly!


In heaven; heavenward.


Secured atop the tallest branch, reaching heavenward, is a simple, precious star, reminding all that Christmas in our home is illuminated with the light of Christ, represented by the new star.


But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication, and then intoned, "In Scotland there exists at least one field, containing at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black.


China's latest fantastical super-tall shopping, office and hotel skyscraper is designed to curl heavenward, incorporating “green” elements such as rainwater capture and wind redirecting technology.


But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


Almost 2000 years later, we stand much closer to the time of Christ's return; but we also would be wrong to see his imminent appearance as an excuse for idle waiting and heavenward gazing.


he contented himself with pointing heavenward.


he contented himself with pointing heavenward


and FACING Potter, with his nose pointing heavenward.


After a pause, the old man raised a finger heavenward and said


he gazed heavenward in despair.


ising the sight of a bright white pagoda pointing heavenward.


to cast/raise your eyes heavenward(= to show you are annoyed or impatient)


Leaves had unfurled, goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward


Still climbing heavenward, Never aweary Glad of all weathers, Still seeming best, Upward or downward, Motion thy rest;


14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


s Shelter, Thou my high Tower: Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.Riches I heed not, nor man'


The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow


14 Like a swallow I utter shrill cries; I moan like a dove. My eyes grow weak, gazing heavenward: O Lord, I am in straits; be my surety!


Still climbing heavenward,


heavenward adv.;adj. adv.

朝向天空地, 朝向天国地;


adv.朝向天空地,朝向天国地 adj.朝向天空的,朝向天国的

their minister whom they so loved -- and who so loved them all, that he could not depart heavenward without a sigh -- had the foreboding of untimely death upon him, and would soon leave them in their tears.

他们如此爱戴、也如此热爱他们的牧师不能不叹息一声就离开他们飞向天国啊! 他们的牧师已经预感到那不合时宜的死亡的降临,很快就要在他们的哭声中离他们而去了!

"Yes; their minister whom they so loved- and who so loved them all, that he could not depart heavenward without a sigh- had the foreboding of untimely death upon him, and would soon leave them in their tears!"


or Monghir, a more than European town, for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham, with its iron foundries, edge-tool factories, and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward.
