
The condition or quality of being inane.


Inan hour there was a telegram back.


Suddenly, this spring became so chilly, lonely and inane.


These inane literary works have no affinity to the masses.

这些文学作品空洞无物, 丝毫没有人民性。

Don’t constantly badger people with inane questions.

INAPPPRECIABLE: 微不足道的、小得难以察觉的;

He cut desperately at me rope inan attempt to free his foot.


She made up her mind that their lives were, though luxurious, inane.


Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: "VP in charge of destroying inane policies.


Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: 'VP in charge of destroying inane policies.


Such comments are inane because they don't help us solve our problem.

这种评论纯属空洞之词, 不能帮助我们解决问题。

And the lady publishes an inane article accusing me of being a post-structuralist.

然后那位女士发表一篇空洞的文章 来责难我这个后结构主义理论者

If that’s you, pick one day a week, perhaps, to do all of your most inane tasks.


He would go to school in New Orleans and get such inane notions out of his head.


If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.


It is inane for anyone to glorify smoking when that very habit can shorten other people's lives.


Now go test and add to the feedback instead of spamming the boards with your inane, stupid crap.


Young people seem to be killing for inane reasons, such as somebody looking at their girlfriend the wrong way.


Theories deviating practices are inane, while practices deviating theories are blindfold.


Even inane emails from friends get ignored when I’m busy, even though I send friends lots of silly emails!


I offer this term in an effort to destroy the inane, and overhyped, word "interactive.


Women will always ask questions that have no center answers, inane effort to trap you into feeling guilty.


The inane promise of consummation cannot attract people to gather around the Wheel of Law any longer.


An inane comment.


The further that humans move away from nature, the more inane the dance becomes from the point of view of the plant kingdoms.


In addition,the anarchist used to depart from revolutionary practice and concrete struggle condition but shouted some inane but beautiful slogans.


I can imagine a long list of actors, whose names I will charitably suppress, who could appear in this material and render it simpering, or inane.


This coyness about sex is a crime, and China does not even have the inane excuse of the Christians for whom sex is, laughably, a sin.


Technology features heavily, as do humorous, quirky and inane stories, while business, politics and world affairs feature less prominently, if at all.


I think that's how life *is*... if everything went so "perfectly" in life, with no hardships, no tree branches to stumble over, life would be inane.


However, there is something almost as worse and that's sibling rivalry over things as inane as a piece of paper or someone's favorite sticker.


The oldest one was looking at her reflection inan ornament on the Christmas tree.


All alleged civilization nations could not launch war if do not obtain domestic people's supports, and peace is also inane.


No one.So, it is never possible to take all beings across to divine and Buddhist worlds.It is merely a kind but inane aspiration.


Nor does media coverage that focuses on whose commercials are moving polling points and who performed well in the last inane debate.


The hostess began reading choice excerpts from the inane article, and Langdon felt himself sinking lower and lower in his chair.


Inan English household,fun is going all the time.The entire house resounds witn it.


Women will always ask questio that have no center a wers,inan effort to trap yousintosfeeling guilty.


Additionally, as each record is written, the customer name and the associated relative record number are recorded inan array or index (Fig. 8.8).


Two years ago49 miners were blown up inan explosives factory at the Chinese-owned Chambishi mine in anaccident blamed on lax safety.


IF YOU wish to make progress in virtue, live in the fear of the Lord, do not look for too much freedom, discipline your senses, and shun inane silliness.


The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and in Balnibarbi seems totally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear wholly out of touch with reality.


Incontinence. The kidney function andcontrol over the urinary bladder sphincter slowly lessens, resulting inan increased incidence of urine leakage.


The result is a torrent of short notes and inane observations (from "Feeling sick today" to "I'm in the bathroom!") pouring in from buddies throughout the day.

这种网站导致的直接后果就是简短的信息,空洞无物的材料泛滥(像“今天我不舒服” “我在浴室”诸如此类),从头到尾漫天泛滥。

F ig.2 A nnua l dynam ics of dom inan t crustaceans in Houhu reg ionin 1997-1998(the bars ind icate standard dev iation).

标题: 图2 1997及1998年后湖浮游甲壳动物优势种种群的周年动态(图中垂直线为标准差)。

I wish I could be made so many men,And all of you clapp’d up together inAn Antony, that I might do you serviceSo good as you have done.


If we become self-conscious about silence then we begin to work against it.We rush to fill it with inane talks and nervous gestures, and the silence loses its value.


From some point of view, the meaning of the subject maybe an inane concept, but it will be a problem appeared in cycle companioned with the development of the study.


One of the things I was most looking forward to with the premium user period was a chance to get away from the inane blather of region chat during the open beta.


One poster is a little girl with short dark hair and white skirt, but her eyes are empty, I mean inane, no smile no brow, and her arms are prolapsed but contort the right one.


Finally, NASA called inan official government translator.He reported that the moon message said, Watch outfor these guys; they're come to steal your land.
