
Commercial documents of company is inculcated.


It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.


Week after week she inculcated good manners in her pupils.


They inculcated the will to succeed in their children.


Young Sulzbergers are inculcated into the spirit of serving from an early age.


We think that the sooner those values get inculcated in young people, the better off we'll be.


At the end of the training I inculcated to teach what I leant from Taipei to our volunteers and others in my community.


Therefore, the obligatory moral education that was instilled and inculcated still exists.


Knowledge of China's great traditions and its forward movements was deeply inculcated in the son.


Most of my life, I’ve been inculcated with the view that only intelligence and merit count.


Medicine appeals to my deep appreciation for human life, inculcated by studying man as both a human being and biological machine.


The devotees are in fact undergoing what they believe to be a form of possession by the animal spirits inculcated into their tattoos.


The principles therein inculcated will be steadily pursued in this paper, excepting that I shall not array myself as the political partisan of any man.


I believe that this stems from the very strong sense of racial superiority inculcated among the Han people by their culture.


My man will feel heart-strained,also agitated, always inculcated me: why you work so hard,you just do how much you can do.


However, about some technological update, which will be inculcated in Penryn, politely described the leaders Of intel, Mark Bohr Steve Smith.

然而,一些技术更新,这将是灌输的Penryn ,礼貌地介绍了英特尔的领导人,马克玻尔史蒂夫史密斯。

I therefore filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality.


This association helped a lot in consolidating my programming skills, especially in C-language.Thus, it inculcated in me problem solving and analytical abilities.


If we have made a mistake, it is that we have not kept to them consistently enough and inculcated them as basic ideas in the people, the students and all cadres and Party members.


Mother inculcated us with the senses of love and duty.She encouraged us to study hard for the family and the country even in the hard time, and supported us to pursue our careers.


In the process of teaching, I can take good methods which were suitable for themselves and aimed at their own personalities and inculcated them with study.


An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.


It is not wrong to keep to the Four Cardinal Principles. If we have made a mistake,it is that we have not kept to them consistently enough and inculcated them as basic ideas in the people,the students and all cadres and Party members.


The Speller and Grammars that followed it, like the Dictionary, inculcated Biblical morality through countless maxims and sayings, many of them direct quotations from the Bible itself.


But while this drive to learn Chinese may be superficially inculcated, I am certain the values one will learn from the traditional Chinese texts and literature will be beneficial for a lifetime.


I think this difference is not a natural characteristic of the people, but is a conscious product of our culture, deliberately inculcated by our old-world wisdom under the special circumstances.


He inculcated on(in)us the duties of loyalty and final piety


3.It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.


On the Values to Be Inculcated in Civil Education in Basic Education and Their Bearing on Action Research


The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Saviour, again and again;
