
Our lives were inseparably linked.


Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.


Holding our ground and extending it are inseparably connected.


In his mind, politics and region are inseparably intertwined.


Primitive music was inseparably connectedwith dancing.


Primitive music was inseparably connected with dancing.


Overall, the history, Beijing alleyway and quadrangles is inseparably.


Population is closely and inseparably related to economic and social development.


The motive of serving the masses is inseparably linked with the effect of winning their approval; the two must be united.


Throughout most of human history, mathematics and physics have been inseparably joined.


They go deep into the earth, and their ancient druidic magics link them inseparably with the world of Ashan itself.


And here we understand why Jesus inseparably ties together the love of God and neighbor.


And none could see Christ without seeing the glory of God, the Father and Son inseparably One.


From the date of human civilization produce, cloth has been closely and inseparably related to our bodies.


Variation thus became mutation and "mutation" became inseparably compounded into "random mutation.


Humankind and the environment are inseparably linked together. Therefore, we need to protect the environment well.


The connection between technology and current lifestyle is getting inseparably associated.


Moreover, Yangge also inseparably relates to village agnation, religion, grade and feast amusement.


A combination of interconnected circuit elements inseparably associated on or within a continuous substrate.


A combination of connected elements inseparably associated on or within a single continuous substrate to perform an electronic circuit function.


The growth and development of Dazhong Daily is inseparably connected with the painstaking efforts and hard work of the older generation.


Such meaning, according to Aristotle, is inseparably tied to deciphering the rational process of how a thing is made and made well.


Cooperation is inseparably connected with upgrading.Cooperation builds a platform for upgrading and upgrading brings vitality to cooperation.


Scientific research, an important part of promoting the comprehensive strength in vocational colleges, is inseparably complementary to teaching.


Every step of coevolutionary advance winds the two antagonists more inseparably, until each is wholly dependent on the other's antagonism.


Objectives of project progress, investment and quality are correlated, constrained, considered each other and inseparably inter-connected.


Shaktism is inseparably related to the system of practices for the purification of mind and body that are grouped under tantric Hinduism.


Each embarks on his own journey and although their paths never cross, their fates turn out to be inseparably intertwined.


Patent work is independent and professional, which is related to the research work of universities closely and inseparably.


Quantifier is a kind of peculiar words which features widely used in Chinese language.It is inseparably related to long history.


The end effect and this is hardly surprising is that both these aspects are inseparably linked to one another and they are nutually interdependent.


On the other hand, I do not believe that you can draw a line between metaphysics and ethics, because both are inseparably united from birth.


Music and dance are inseparably associated with their life in any occasion, no matter when they are happy, sad or in labor.


Obviously, the reason why these figures presented so terrible and lousy, is because of the inseparably clou that the artist would like to express, and that is the desire.


Through the inner body, you are inseparably connected to this unmanifested One Life - birthless, deathless, eternally present.Through the inner body, you are forever one with God.


These two fruits of the Spirit are inseparably connected.If you wish your love to grow and increase, forget yourself, and pray, pray earnestly, for God's children and His Church.


The natural individal was in kindred community, and inseparably depended on the clan and nature. It was no value and significance when the individual separated from the clan.


For medical students, English class is an essential course.It is inseparably connected with medical teaching, scientific research and medical clinical work.


As the roots of the tree hidden deep in the earth, and the branches spread out to heaven, are one, so the hidden prayer life is inseparably bound up with united prayer.


Every step of coevolutionary advance winds the two antagonists more inseparably, until each is wholly dependent on the other's antagonism.The two become one.


I ask about inseparably.


But when the new landed proprietor shook off once and for all the fetters laid upon him by the prior right of gens and tribe, he also cut the ties which had hitherto inseparably attached him to the land.


A combination of interconnected circuit elements inseparably associated on or within a continuous substrate. An integrated circuit may contain anywhere from a few to many thousands of transistors, resistors, diodes, capacitors.


The views of the relation between morality and personal need as the basis, harmony as the heart, human-centeredness as the primary consideration are inseparably interconnected and are in harmony.


Each link of agricultural industrialization are put in the immanent connection with close move, and annulus annulus photograph is buckled, make a complete industrial chain inseparably.


The only attitude that becomes us is one of trust, strengthening our faith in the assurance that “He loved me and gave Himself for me.” He and I are eternally and inseparably one.“He lives in me.


The forming of his academic thought was inseparably relevant to the social and historical condition at that time as well as certain academic background and the family tradition of learning.


I do not mean to suggest that Jesus and Socrates were alike.I am merely drawing attention to the fact that they both had a message that was inseparably linked to their personal courage.


In this way two whole natures, the divine and the human, perfect and distinct, were inseparably joined together in one person without being changed, mixed, or confused (路一35, 西二9, 彼前三18, 提前三16).


two fates inseparably soldered by misfortune
