
The numbers also demonstrate that intermarriage is on the rise.


Intermarriage was a violation of holiness.


Tension will be mitigated even more by intermarriage.


What word is used to describe the intermarriage in Ezra 9:3?


The intermarriage becomes a common phenomenon in America today.


Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation Asian-Americans.


This quiet demographic counter-revolution is a dramatic upsurge in intermarriage.


As a result, the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States.


They still try to discourage intermarriage, but once it occurs, they tend to welcome new interfaith families.


The leaders came to him and told him about the problem of intermarriage.


The sixth analyses and summarizes the influence of such intermarriage.


As a result,the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States.


They still try to discourage intermarriage,but once it occurs,they tend to welcome new interfaith families.


As intermarriage in the gens was prohibited, it withdrew its members from the evils of consanguine marriages.


Intermarriage is a critical variable to observe the integration of social relations.


How four things did Nehemiah do as a response to this intermarriage according to Nehemiah 13:25?


By the Ming dynasty, interaction and intermarriage had led to some sinicization, such as the adoption of Chinese names.


In Nehemiah, we read that he saw, knew, and discovered this intermarriage problem and he did something about this.


Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.


Their territory could expand by royal intermarriage, or merge with another state when the dynasty merged.


Of course, many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group.


While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage,others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans.


Of course,many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group.


While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage, others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans.


In spite of this, the research proves there was no or hardly any intermarriage between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis.


However, if magic is a dominant trait, Muggle heritage may indeed result in more Squibs in the community after some generations of intermarriage.


They were not to make any treaties with the heathen nations, nor allow any intermarriage which is a compromise leading to spiritual downfall.


He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries.


The argument is made that intermarriage with Muggles could pose a threat to the wizarding gene pool, but this is not possible.


Familial in parents is still living and in good health, be not intermarriage, familial similar disease is not had in 3 generation.


The Tangut people's intermarriage to the people of other nationalities in the neighborhood,especially of Han nationality was common after they moved inland.


Especially the ethnic intermarriage, not only reflects the relations between individuals, but also the demarcation, evaluation and selection of a special race by couples.


However, there is a long history of linkages and integration between the various ethnic groups brought about by trade, conquest, diplomacy, travel, intermarriage and learning.


There is increased intermarriage with Russians, and the survival of the unique Ket language as a medium of everyday communication beyond the next two generations is in doubt.


They miserably failed this test and even transgressed the regulation Moses had laid down forbidding intermarriage with the heathen inhabitants of the land (v.6;cf.


The growing segment of the black community that is going to college,entering the middle class and moving out to the suburbs is also following the general trend toward intermarriage.


"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas of concentration in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out.


Some sociologists call Asian-white and Hispanic-Anglo intermarriage simply the latest addition to the melting pot that,since the start of this century,has fused so many Irish,Italian,German and other families of European origin.


"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas [of concentration] in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out.


The growing segment of the black community that is going to college, entering the middle class and moving out to the suburbs is also following the general trend toward intermarriage.


Some sociologists call Asian-white and Hispanic-Anglo intermarriage simply the latest addition to the melting pot that, since the start of this century, has fused so many Irish, Italian, German and other families of European origin.


Additionally, the taboo existed not only in the intermarriage between the Han and the Yao, but also between the “shanzhu” (masters) and the “shanding” (slaves) in the internal society of the Yao.


Not only express the anthropology pay attention to the marriage but also express the anthropology care for the people through ethnic identity and ethnic interaction in the intermarriage.


"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out.


Since the modern times the Chinese migrants in Myanmar have been involved in the process of assimilation faster than Indian,shown in four aspects,language,religion,custom and intermarriage.

近代以来迁移缅甸的华人和印度移民同化于当地的情况是不同的。 本文从语言、宗教信仰、生活习俗和族际通婚四个方面概述了华人和印度人的同化情况,认为华人比印度人更快同化于当地。

Diluted by intermarriage and drained of young people by nearby cities, the coastal tribes were also subjected to “termination” programmes designed to break their traditional culture and leadership.


After Ezra arrived in Jerusalem and joyously offered sacrifices unto the Lord, he was suddenly struck with much grief as he heard about the problem of pagan intermarriage among the people of God.


intermarriage between blacks and whites


language, home ownership and intermarriage.


urban intermarriage between nationalities
