
To sound monotonously;intone.


To sound monotonously; intone.


The report is both considered in analysis and moderate intone.


You intone a word of power to rally your allies to your side.


IntOne --Interactive to one!


TP: Please intone the first three letters of the name of the miracle now.


Let's intone the fair-sounding carol for the celebration of Christmas Eve.


TP:Please intone the first three letters of the name of the miracle now.


As for you, son of man, intone a lamentation for the princes of Israel.


He placed a bowl of water on the table, took out a magic figures drawn beforehand, and started to intone chant.

方士先端一碗净水主在桌上,又拿起一张画好的符,嘴里念念有词: “天灵灵,地灵灵,一天三朝过往神。过往神,有神灵,鬼使神差下凡去。

Urban planners intone phrases like “transport-oriented development” and “elegant density”.


Let them hasten to intone a funeral song, and let us weep, our eyes running with tears.


Actually the ancients had said: "first, not least intone poems even knew a poem.


There might have been the occasional fever,and Li-ma would always be summoned to chant and intone her incantation and then all would be well again.

就是身上有时发一点烧, 叫李妈来呼鸡唤狗的念念有词,也就没事了。

Because Amitabha can receive disciples who intone Namo Amitabha to the West Pure Land, he is also called the Receiving Buddha.


There might have been the occasional fever, and Li-ma would always be summoned to chant and intone her incantation and then all would be well again.

就是身上有时发一点烧, 叫李妈来呼鸡唤狗的念念有词,也就没事了。

The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue.


Theres an ancient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you cant write them.


Cut off your hair and throw it away. Intone a lament on the bare heights, for Yahweh has rejected and foresaken these people.' This is Yahweh's word.


TITe's an ancient saying: After reading up Number 3 hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you can't record them.


Because of you they shave their heads and wear sackcloth. In the bitterness of their hearts they weep and intone a bitter lament for you.


Amitabha vows that “All sentient beings that intone my Buddha epithet will eradicate their crimes of eight billion eons and acquire merits of eight billion eons.


In addition, I heard that there's an ancient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you can't write them.,is it ture?


The Mid-autumn Festival didn't exist in the Tang Dynasty,but literators used to appreciate the moon and intone poems on 15th day of the 8th lunar month.


There's an ancient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you can't write them.This experience completely accords with the logical law of learning.

学习英语,应该根据自己的实际水平和兴趣爱好多多吸收语言材料,敞开头脑,充分吸收,积累尽可能多的丰富语言材料,如英文歌、英文小说、报刊杂志、英文电影等等。 recite; to intone; to chant; 2.poetry; poems; songs

On Personality Complex and Fortune Intone of Li Qing-zhao's Poems in Singing of Plum Blossom


Poems Express Will, Songs Intone Emotion--On the lyrical art of China's classical poetry


17 Let them come quickly and intone a dirge for us, That our eyes may be wet with weeping, our cheeks run with tears.


6.There might have been the occasional fever, and Li-ma would always be summoned to chant and intone her incantation and then all would be well again.


62 “Ink block” is a solid ink piece.A person grinds it with water against the intone to make ink for writing Chinese brush calligraphy.


9 Over the mountains, break out in cries of lamentation, over the pasture lands, intone a dirge: They are scorched, and no man crosses them, unheard is the bleat of the flock;


Here is the place where our students read books after class. we approached the teacher in the book, have dialogues with Masters , the theme here is: “Intone famous classic”


intone (verb) Recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm.


to intone a prayer




intone willow


Intone Poem


cient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you can't write them. This experience completely accords with the logical law of learning.


there's an ancient saying: after reading up three hundred tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you can't write them. this experience completely accords with the logical law of learning.
