
Li Jikai began to introspect the real me.


Six, introspect with evaluation.


A Ruby program can introspect or examine its own execution.


Wsdl; also lets you introspect into a function's return values.


Or, we could spend the rest of our life introspectively evaluating what makes us happy.


Paul introspectively searches within to identify what it is that causes himself to do this.


Before correcting to others , introspect and make a mistake by oneself first .


You could read and practice until you are completely confused.Or, we could spend the rest of our life introspectively evaluating what makes us happy.


When I thought of these problems will introspect a design to bring us what.


Firstly, it is very important for all of us to introspect into our own minds.


According to the change of incidence of and mortality from disease tha modern society and life bring us, Introspect the cause of disease.


Sometimes we receive hatred from others but if we introspect then we will see that there must have been a cause.


If we want to progress in our spiritual cultivation, the best way to do so is to introspect on ourselves more.


Sorrow makes us go slower and more considerately, and introspect our motives and dispositions.


Can be wan and sallow and sad with abandon too while failing in love, but should introspect , grow up.


What this text introspect is not the anti automation, but the bane that "only the technique theory" learns rese...


Teachers seldom introspect the solving course, or summerize the experience and lessons.


An important theme of Tie Ning"s writing is to pursue and introspect pure selfhood.


Or, we could spend the rest of our life introspectively evaluating what makes us happy.Which might take more time and energy and actually frustrate us more.

所以越是优秀的程序员越是感觉自己懂得少,不会在人前故意卖弄,这并不是故作谦虚,而是实实在在的感受 ,亲自体会才能明白。

Lastly, the author return to research in need to be solve with attention of the problem carried on to introspect.


Fourthly, students should be inspired to introspect, draw up correcting measures, announce publicly in the classroom.


It is a time to slow down, introspect and avoid making changes in your strategy.


First of all, the poet questioned the life of time in the past: Remember and Introspect.


On-the-spot investigation, network discussion exchanges, begin creations and compose a research paper and introspect.


The results show that the ability to introspect or reflect seemed to be essen- tial to the subjects in forming and developing their self-concept.


Copies of government have at all and introspect sincerity also the same day, at least in my own, this national hatred to the Japanese never forget.


Kripa offers a non-discriminating, supportive Community Living, helping people to introspect and bring about change in lifestyle.


Not trained to reason or introspect himself, he could not analyse the change that was taking place in his mind, and hence his body, but he felt the depression of it.


If teaching of multimedia wants to have a good result,Teachers mu st research and introspect own teaching continuously,and spend much more time tha n in traditional teaching.


What this text introspect is not the anti automation, but the bane that "only the technique theory" learns research, the library work for library and may bring.

文章反思的并非是自动化本身, 而是“唯技术论”给图书馆学研究、图书馆工作可能带来的危害。

If, even when were miserable, our compassion still fails to emerge, then we ought to have pity on ourselves. We should introspect on why were as rigid as stones!


Please close your eyes and introspect youself ,give us an self-presentation (analyse yours advantage and disadvantage ).then, give us a reason: why "lighthouse" should accept you?


Firstly people can't be trusted to introspect accurately (cf. the hidden workings of the mind) and secondly people can move their attention between two locations quite quickly.


Introspect:The male comrade never buy cheap pants especially, if in the public situation meet this kind of pants to pull to practice a bad affair more bother.


If teaching of multimedia wants to have a good result, Teachers must research and introspect own teaching continuously, and spend much more time than in traditional teaching.


But to criticism, you'll demonstrate you arrogant nature completely/utterly ,whereas only if what others said is true, you would be willing to introspect yourself.


The Alternative Dispute Solution arise in many countries currently indicate all the means except litigation, reflecf introspect and recognition to rule of law.


At last,under the animation support of children’s English study introspect, analysis its benefit and fraud, lay the foundation for the research of aftertime.


On the foundation of experience summary and introspect, the writer leads the idea of the dichotomy of the facts and the value into the cause of leading public opinion.


Meanwhile,they begin to introspect the history of women through introspecting the cities,and thereby challenge the process of human civilization.


Can tumble directly in the love, but should have neither enmity nor repentance; Can be wan and sallow and sad with abandon too while failing in love, but should introspect , grow up.


Please close your eyes and introspect youself, give us an self-presentation( analyse yours advantage and disadvantage). then, give us a reason: why“ lighthouse” should accept you?


Please close your eyes and introspect youself, give us an self-presentation (analyse yours advantage and disadvantage ). Then, give us a reason: why "lighthouse" should accept you?


The aim of the discussion is not to deny the rationality and the necessity of social survey,but to introspect and as well as to cause people to introspect the social research itself which is an academic activity.


The author argues that culture is a deeper factor to introspect the history, and, he compares the two great socialist states different fates considering the three- dimensional character of culture.

但是,从文化角度来进行深入地研究苏联解体的成果并不多见。 本文认为文化是历史反思的深层次因素,本文的特色与新意是从文化三维性的断裂与整合的视角来比较两个社会主义大国的不同历史命运。

We encourage our members to introspect deeply into any possibility of any Blind-Faith being entrenched deep inside their minds and habits, no matter it be religious, scientific, or plain superstitious.


Originally have a lot of detail works, selected by examinations the most important detailses here, namely excellent turn to prepare to establish, beautify born, activate the management, harden to introspect, thin turn the storage.


Learning and Studying Mao Zedong's spirit legacy again possesses important significance of theory guidance and historical value for us to introspect past, envisage present and prospect future.


When the small car knocked down a lady, lady's being collapsed and fainted didn't come to, the driver blew whistle to sway to longly and slowly disappear, this is society introspect a slice.


But the literature theories field reply complicatedly, the big body can is divided into four parties: Conservative parties, firmness parties, introspect parties and compromising parties.
