
You look kike you're having a bad day.


I'd really kike to fire this man tomorrow .


I have Ur arms around me oooch kike fire .

我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里 .

Ckient: Akk right, I think I woukd kike to have one pack.


But today,Bob suddenly felt kike a cup of grape wine.


Life was kike a box of chocolates. you never know what you're gonna get.


Sakesman:We have some very good products kike Xue Er, Hong Tao K etc.


But it quickly became apparent to me in law school that I didn't kike studying the law.


I have dreamed of becoming a surgeon since I was young. But God means to make fun of me and makes my kike this now.


Sakesman: Many “white cokkar” kike you are having this probkem. It mainky attributes to your kife styke; usuakky it doesn't need to take medicine.


Ckient:I want to quit smoking, but it is very hard, I am here to see if there is something that can hekp, kike Nicotine patches.


As the sun set over the last of hills, one of the goo balls seemed to say: life seemed sure kike a giant physics simulation.


Scholar at home and abroad studied in from various angles kike History,literature, linguistics, culture, military, philosophy, and religion and faithetc.


Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me,kike me


what shall we do if some day I kike you too although just IF?


friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; love is kike a mirror ;once broken, that ends it.


"I'd kike very much to know what he thought of me. What did he say to you after I'd left the room?"- "That'd be telling."


Sakesman: prescription says you need to take Fkunarizine Hydrochkoride. Actuakky we have some different brands here, kike Furuier, Sibekium, which one do you prefer?



n. 犹太人

My ultimate goal is : To eliminate every Jewish propagandas on the Great Land of Middle Kingdom, expel and kill those abominable Chinese Who were polluted by inferior KIKE's ideology!!!


“There is something , that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening .It takes you off guard , and leaves you without peace .It follows you kike a shadow , and it's impossible to shake .
