
What does a Scotsman wear underneath his kilt?


He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath.


If he wears a kilt or bears a purse.


What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?


No! That is not a skirt. It's a kilt.


Chris Hudson I'd like to buy a kilt for my wife.


The girl was curious and asked what he was wearing under the kilt.


William Wallace: Well, my kilt will fly up, but I'll try.

哦, 那样我的裙子会飞起来,但是我会去做。

Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her.


Making the music during the party ... as a unique rockin the kilt style !


The "woman" is a kilted Scot, and the "monster" is his bagpipe.The Scot challenges Bugs to a game of golf.

苏格兰之旅 My Bunny Lies over the sea剧情简介: In Scotland, Bugs Bunny rescues a woman from a monster.

Tradition has it that a "true Scotsman" should wear nothing under his kilt.


The shortage comes after the Army decided to end its 150-year association with its former kilt makers.


"Miss Scarlett, it wuz dem Slatterys, dem trashy, no-good, low-down po'-w'ite Slatterys dat kilt Miss Ellen.


He rides a green water-buffalo, wears a helmet studded with human skulls, and has a tiger's skin for a kilt.


The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigueur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades.


The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events.


The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when they march in parades.


Last year, it was so cold that I had to wear something under my kilt,” Chung said.


"I would expect a female to wear an ankle-length dress, not a knee-length kilt," Cooney said.


THE sound of the bagpipes is as familiar to the Scottish as wearing a kilt and climbing mountains.


The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, e ecially when they march in parades.


The typical Scottish garment,the kilt,is de rigueur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes,especially when they march in parades.


De cap'n gempmum whut had me in charge, he wuz kilt an' dar warn't nobody ter tell Big Sam whut ter do, so Ah jes' lay low in de bushes.


White was also sported by male models at many shows. White suits, white accessories and even a white kilt were presented by various designers.


Dark bedroom.Burning candle. Flower. And a feckly naked sexy chinese girl with kilt was standing in bed. Some choclates hiding in hands.


This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work.


Kilt wearers could face prosecution if they do not have a licence for their sporran under new legislation which has been introduced in Scotland.


Whatever the impetus for change was, the kilt now became a tailored garment with sewn-in pleats, making it neater and far more easy to put on and wear.


Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis (although no longer into battle) but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland.


If your budget can handle more than $20, go wild and get the whole kilt-and-caboodle (a nice kilt set will run you well over $600).


The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades.


The most typical Scotland characteristic, the beautiful case short skirt that should be men (Kilt) and bagpipe (Bagpipe) .


Whatever the impetus for change was, the kilt now became a tailored garment with sewn-in pleats, ** it neater and far more easy to put on and wear.


She wore a pink short-sleeved T shirt, blue buckle kilt, wearing a red card issuers, feet wearing white boots, very beautiful.


Every member of a pipe band wears a kilt, a knee-length tartan, or plaid skirt, traditionally worn by Scottish or Irish men.


From the waist down, the feileadh mor resembled a modern kilt while the remaining material above the waist was draped over the shoulder and pinned there.


Fashion designers have also tried to update the kilt and make it appeal to a wider audience by using non-tartan designs such as camouflage and material such as leather.


The feileadh mor was simplified by disposing of its top half, leaving the belt and the skirt below.The resulting creation became known as the feileadh beg, or "little kilt".


And although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands.


He's wearing a kilt.


And if what Butler said warn't true, then he's a spy and he is goin' to turn them up to the Yankees and they'll git kilt just the same. And if he does turn them up, then I'll kill him, if it's the last deed of m' life.


"He wuz drunk an' he said sumpin' Ah couldn' tek noways an' Ah got mah han's on his neck--an' Ah din' mean ter kill him, Miss Scarlett, but mah han's is pow'ful strong, an' fo' Ah knowed it, he wuz kilt.


Us done move up hyah affer Old Marse wuz kilt."


4. What does a Scotsman wear underneath his kilt?


---- My kilt will fly up, but I'll try it.


a fur or leather pouch worn at the front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders.


Ah got ter git ter Tara whar dey woan fine me. Ah--Ah done kilt a man."


The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events。


The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid which is now worn at more formal events。
