
You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.


Layoff survivors can easily fall into 'pity parties' where they kvetch about the state of their workplace.

裁 员后的幸存者很容易沉迷于“失意派对”,对工作牢骚不断。

a rambling kvetch against the system(bLeonard Ross)

对制度的喋喋不休的乱抱怨(b伦纳德 罗斯)

a rambling kvetch against the system(Leonard Ross)

对制度的喋喋不休的乱抱怨(伦纳德 罗斯)

"a rambling kvetch against the system" (Leonard Ross)



vi. 经常性地发牢骚, 抱怨 n. 吹毛求疵的人, 老找碴的人