
The serpents advanced directly to the spot where Laocoon stood with his two sons.


Lessing argued in Laocoon: “Object with visual feature is the particular subject of painting.


Investors would do well to remember Laocoon's law of improbable generosity: "Don't look a gist horse in the mouth, but do check for Greek soldiers elsewhere in its anatomy.


The Laocoon was overpainted after El Grecos death, and the second head that looks into the painting was obliterated, while the two standing frontal nudes were given loincloths.


Laocoon poured a series of fresh flavor into the lifeless world of German ideology,and it not only performed a great driving force in history,but had a great impact nowadays as well.


a god who favored the Greeks (Poseidon or Athena) sent snakes who coiled around Laocoon and his two twin sons killing them.



n. [希神] 拉奥孔, 拉奥孔雕像