
She saw Lottie emerge from the shrubbery.


Over the years Lottie had urged Bess to prepare for her old age.


Lottie had a bank account that had never grown lean.


As soon as anyone would hire her, Lottie put herself to work.


That Lottie never married at all was not really surprising either.


Martina was just 3 days younger than Lottie Dod who won the Singles in 1887.


Lottie couldn't wait to grow up and buy herself the best of everything.


Lottie was certainly better off without nieces and nephews to feel sorry for.


When we were working that trick with the postman I had a correspondence going with my Auntie Lottie.


Bess's married life was nothing for Lottie to envy .She and Harry lived like gypsies.


It took Lottie a week to get a bedroom ready, a week of hard work and hard cash.


On knowing that the trolley could help Lottie, she immediately loaned us this completely new trolley.


Oh yes, sir. It's the thought of my Aunt Lottie's homemade shortbread that keeps me going.


As soon as anyone would hire her, Lottie put herself to work. She minded babies; she ran errands for the old.


When she was through the room looked so fresh and new that Lottie felt she deserved it more than Bess.


It didn't seem fair that Bess should reap the harvest of Lottie's life-time of self-denial.


Allo stato attuale, un certo numero di piccoli lotti di produzione dei prodotti.


Lottie expected to be settled with a home and family while Bess was still waiting for Harry to earn enough to buy a marriage license.


Lottie Shackleford, a Little Rock city director and Vice-Chair of the National Democratic Committee, spoke in five churches that Sunday.


In her last year of high school the business increased so rapidly that Lottie was faced with the choice of staying in school or working full time.


She would let Bess have her room, but the mattress was so lumpy, the carpet so worn, the curtains so threadbare that Lottie's conscience pricked her.


For the first time in her life Lottie would gladly have worked for nothing to have some place to go, something to do with her day.


Over the years Lottie had urged Bess to prepare for her old age.Over the years Bess had lived each day as if there were no other.


Tomorrow she would see the room as it really looked, and Lottie as she really looked, and the warmed-over turkey in its second-day glory.


Suddenly Lottie was sixty, and retired from her job by her boss's son, who had no sentimental feeling about keeping her on until she was ready to quit.


Then it was that Lottie knew why Bess had made no mention of her finery, or the shining room, or the twelve pound turkey.


Then it was that Lottie knew why Bess had made no mention of her finery, or the shining room, or the twelve pound turkey.She had not even seen them.


Lottie,she is curly,not long-haired.After all,the movies are wrong.And I know that if I am only a director,I would make the right movie.That is all I can...


Passing her gleaming mirrors, at first with vague awareness, then with painful clarity, Lottie saw herself as others saw her, and could not stand the sight.


She made several attempts to find other employment, but her dowdy appearance made her look old and inefficient. For the first time in her life Lottie would gladly have worked for nothing to have some place to go, something to do with her day.


That Lottie had a doorstep they might have been left on was only because her boss, having bought a second house, offered Lottie his first house at a price so low and terms so reasonable that it would have been like losing money to refuse.


Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without one. Lottie was certainly better off without nieces and nephews to feel sorry for. Very likely Bass would have dumped them on her doorstep.


Bess had a beau in the school band who had no other ambition except to play a horn. Lottie expected to be settled with a home and family while Bess was still waiting for Harry to earn enough to buy a marriage license.


It took Lottie a week to get a bedroom ready, a week of hard work and hard cash. There was everything to do, everything to replace or paint. When she was through the room looked so fresh and new that Lottie felt she deserved it more than Bess.


The impression plot that deep me is when Lottie crying cause lost her mother,Sara told her she lost her mother too,their mother in the paradise,they didn't leave us ,they looking us and bless us.


The years, after forty, began to race. Suddenly Lottie was sixty, and retired from her job by her boss's son, who had no sentimental feeling about keeping her on until she was ready to quit.


Praise God for Lottie Moon, who served in PENGLAI (498,000) for many years before dying of starvation and exhaustion on Dec. 24, 1912. Heb. 11:16


10.It took Lottie a week to get a bedroom ready, a week of hard work and hard cash.There was everything to do, everything to replace or paint.



n. 洛蒂(Charlotte的昵称, 亦作Lotty)(f.)

