
She needs at least lumpectomy.


Lumpectomy is a surgical procedure in which only the tumor tissue is remoed.


Often women with small tumors undergo lumpectomy to have the tumor removed.


Lumpectomy followed by 6 courses of CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil).


The lumpectomy operation was followed with radiation treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells.


Implants, which can be used when the entire breast is removed in a mastectomy, don't work for lumpectomy patients.


August, 1994, surgery of lumpectomy and mastectomy, followed by Tamoxifen, expected by the doctor to have only one year to live.


Then doctors removed it.The lumpectomy operation was followed with radiation treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells.


They extracted stem cells from half the fat, then mixed the cells in with the remaining fat and injected it into the lumpectomy site.


Twenty percent of women treated with mastectomy or lumpectomy experienced a recurrence or second primary breast cancer during the follow-up.


After lumpectomy and axillary dissection, patients with stage I or II breast cancer received a total of 50 Gy of whole breast radiation in 2-Gy fractions given over five weeks.


Women treated with lumpectomy but no radiation therapy had a risk of local or regional recurrence that was 3.5 times higher than women radiation therapy after their surgery.


But an estimated 8 to 15 percent of DCIS patients who have the lesion removed by lumpectomy will develop breast cancer in the 10 years following their surgery.

但估计有8至15 %的DCIS的病人有病灶清除,将肿块切除开发乳腺癌,在之后的10年里,他们手术。

NSABP breast cancer studies led to the establishment of lumpectomy plus radiation over radical mastectomy as the standard surgical treatment for breast cancer.


The new indication is for Herceptin, in combination with other cancer drugs, for the treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer after surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy).


Once again, conservative therapy was shown to give better outcomes, and the second study supports the current standard of lumpectomy with irradiation as appropriate.


Because doctors can't tell which ones will recur, all DCIS patients are treated with lumpectomy, usually followed by radiation, or mastectomy, in which the whole breast is removed.


Olsen's designs that she remained unfazed by the downturn of her business, which coincided with the discovery in 2005 that she had breast cancer, necessitating a lumpectomy, then a double mastectomy.


The second study evaluated 20-year follow-up data from 1,851 women with invasive breast cancer randomized to treatment with total mastectomy, lumpectomy alone, or lumpectomy and breast irradiation.


"Our study might also help explain why, in the absence of radiation therapy, breast cancer often recurs near the site of the original tumor following a lumpectomy," says first author Pearlly S.


Keywords Breast cancer;Extended lumpectomy;Radiotherapy;Recurrence;


Keywords Breast cancer;Lumpectomy;Cosmetic techniques;Radiotherapy;


1985 Lumpectomy plus radiation found equialent to mastectomy for breast cancer.


1985 Lumpectomy plus radiation found equivalent to mastectomy for breast cancer.


lumpectomy of breast



n. 〈医〉乳房肿瘤切除术

"Modified radical mastectomy leaves at least the main chest muscle, has an equally high survival rate, and makes reconstruction easier. Simple mastectomy is removal of the Breast only. Lumpectomy is removal of the tumour only. "


"Treatment may Begin with radical or modified mastectomy or lumpectomy (in which only the tumour is removed), followed by radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or removal of the ovaries or adrenal glands. "
