
Early one morning, Ladyface's mahout came to see him as usual.


He bought him from the mahout, even though he didn't really own him.


An elephant handler, or mahout, rests atop his Asian elephant in Royal Bardia National Park.


The elephant, his mind filled with the night's robber-talk, suddenly attacked his mahout.


So the mahout had to report this to the king, although he said nothing about selling the friendly dog.


A 'mahout' is what the Indians call the special trainer and caretaker of a particular elephant.


Henri Mahout, a French botanist started intensive research and restoration programs.


Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic.


The mahout pissed against the wall, turning his head up, arching his back, and exhaling in relief, as if it were the best thing he had done all day.


He saw the frisky dog, who had become strong and beautiful.He bought him from the mahout, even though he didn't really own him.


Halfway up the hill, he saw an elephant coming down, with a small bundle of leaves on its back and a mahout poking its ear with an iron rod.


Each elephant carries two people -- the player and the "mahout".The player gives the mahout direction, while the mahout steers the animal.


The mahout stood near the wall he had just pissed on, watching Chenayya talking to the elephant, a sense of apprehension growing within him.


The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job.


But they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.


Watching a mahout lovingly bathe his elephant, I tried capturing the moment from the riverside but wasn't satisfied with what I saw through the viewfinder.


Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.


Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training....


Formerly this mind wandered about as it liked, where it wished and according to its pleasure, but now I shall thoroughly master it with wisdom as a mahout controls with his ankus an elephant in rut.


Mahout Bathing an Elephant, India Watching a mahout lovingly bathe his elephant, I tried capturing the moment from the riverside but wasn't satisfied with what I saw through the viewfinder.


“They didn't pay me,” the mahout said.


I know a mahout is an elephant-driver,


and mahout is the key to successful training.


“What's the meaning of this?” he shouted to the mahout.


The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout,


that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.


49. The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout,


37 A strong wooden tower covering each elephant, and fastened to it by a harness, held, besides the Indian mahout, three soldiers who fought from it.


“Then it's a rotten world.” The mahout chewed a few more peanuts. “A rotten world.” He slapped the side of his elephant again. Chenayya looked at the beast.




"Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relation-ship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training. "
