
The project aims to be an umbrella for all free malayalam software development.


He is also called Vinayaka in Marathi, Malayalam and Kannada, Vinayagar and Pillayar (in Tamil), and Vinayakudu in Telugu.


A large family of languages spoken especially in southern India and northern Sri Lanka that includes Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.


No serious linguist, journalist or politician would dare pass judgment on Tagalog or Malayalam without having gathered facts on those languages.


Indic languages (such as Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu) may not be compatible with every search option in Microsoft Office.

印度语(例如,孟加拉语、古吉拉特语、印地语、卡纳达语、马拉雅拉姆语、马拉地语、旁遮普语、泰米尔语和泰卢固语)可能无法与Microsoft Office中的全部搜索选项兼容。

The piece features interactive images of speakers whose languages are becoming obsolete here, such as the Chinese dialects Hakka and Teochew and the Indian languages of Malayalam and Telugu.

因此, 我们不鼓励方言的使用。它将会干扰华语和英语的学习。新加坡人必须掌握英语, 英语是我们的共通语, 也是我们与全球联系的语言。

a contrastive analysis of Hindi and Malayalam


a large family of languages spoken especially in southern India and northern Sri Lanka that includes Tamil,Telugu,Malayalam,and Kannada



n. 印度西南部的 Dravidian 语的一方言