
Showing great malevolence; disposed to do evil.


But he did not know what malevolence was.


Malevolence person will be bad grade!


Showing great malevolence;disposed to do evil.


To express or gratify(anger, malevolence, or resentment;vent.


To express or gratify(anger,malevolence,or resentment;vent.


To express or gratify(anger, malevolence, or resentment); vent.


The Malevolence was the flagship of the Confederate Navy.


The author's self-serving indictment seethes with malevolence.


I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity.


Orchid of Malevolence is actually not that bad of an item for Barathrum.


The Malevolence was a heavy Separatist warship active during the Clone Wars.


In this potent narrative of victimhood Israel, of course, has been held up as a prime example of Western malevolence.


To recognize and change ones mistakes and not keep on critizing fault on others, is that not dispelling malevolence.


Then, a more than fiendish malevolence thrilled every fiber of the Lieutenant’s frame.


For all its malevolence, the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money.


Creatures of pure malevolence and woe, gloom golems haunt the layers of Hades, thriving on the misery and despair they inflict on others.


Created as the middle section of a three-part trilogy, 'Malevolence' is the tragic story of a group of bank robbers on the run from the law.


Of the three Republic warships pursuing the Malevolence, the lead ship is General Skywalker's Resolute. As a flagship, it has red conning towers.


Creatures of pure malevolence and woe,gloom golems haunt the layers of Hades,thriving on the misery and despair they inflict on others.


The Doctor finally comes face-to-eyestalk with the leader of his greatest enemies, and he's a huge monster Dalek, full of malevolence.


I fall between the cold walls of human malevolence, a white figure fluttering, sinking down through the cold lake, a mountain of skulls above me.


The ghost of a suicide seeking a substitute is terrifying largely because of the expansion of personal vengeance to general malevolence.


These cruel beings know no mercy for the weak nor sympathy for humankind, for they are genuine monsters of pervasive malevolence.


The sites of prior school massacres are etched on our minds, a symbolic shorthand for the violence and malevolence that none of us can comprehend.


Be of good humor and enjoy a good laugh when it is apt, but avoid the kind of unrestrained barroom laughter that easily degenerates into vulgarity or malevolence.


By this time, after long hours of continued reflection upon one subject, a sombre brooding malevolence, a deep-seated desire of revenge, had grown big within his mind.


English: Fan Chi accompanied Confucius to the Rain Altar.He asked:" How can one go about exalting virtue, dispel malevolence from within and recognise delusion?


English: Pan Chi accompanied Confucius to the Rain Altar.He asked:" How can one go about exalting virtue, dispel malevolence from within and recognise delusion?


Malevolence or good.


To the modern listener, the failure of the Paris critics to acknowledge the memorability of this most tuneful of operas, its brilliant orchestration and striking originality, suggests ignorance, malevolence or both.


The fact that the US has bombed someone else's embassy was downplayed, while the seriousness of irrelevant incidents was exaggerated. Their deliberate obfuscation of the issue and shameless spouting of nonsense show up their malevolence.


The fact that the US has bombed someone else's embassy was downplayed,while the seriousness of irrelevant incidents was exaggerated. Their deliberate obfuscation of the issue and shameless spouting of nonsense show up their malevolence.


To the modern listener,the failure of the Paris critics to acknowledge the memorability of this most tuneful of operas,its brilliant orchestration and striking originality,suggests ignorance,malevolence or both.


Three syllables that contain a sense of dark malevolence, raise tales of intrigues unending, and bring forth images of a race of people whose ambition is outmatched only by their ruthlessness and cunning.


She saw how much he worried about that senator during their mission to destroy the Seperatist's starship Malevolence, how panicked he was when he discovered her inadvertently ending up in the battle.


In the script, Anakin's original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship's hull.


However, Heathcliff does not reform, and his malevolence proves so great and long-lasting that it cannot be adequately explained even as a desire for revenge against Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, etc.


Any malevolent ways to win or stop people to win the competition such as invading the voting system with information technology, having more votes improperly or any other malevolence is not tolerated.


A Great and Powerful Malevolence


Did his criticism arise from pure malevolence


All taint of private malevolence


malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty.


malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty


I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity


90. I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity.


or it might well be that the physician was not careful then, as at all other times, to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim.


” This simple phrase has been spoken many times throughout the James Bond film series, always laced with malevolence and hatred.


"Regeneration items like Orchid Malevolence or a Linkens Sphere will allow liberal use of his abilities in battle and help him against spellcasters and nukers."


an act of pure malevolence
