
Now this is a completely different set of questions from those that mesmerise us in adult life.


I am that kind of impatient person.At the beginning,i did mesmerise by him,until i had lost my sanity,this is such a disgrace of mine...


In the Legend of Mir Private server you can be a powerful warrior, taking on many unusual opponents in close combat, or a skilled wizard, who can mesmerise the blizarre list of creatures from distance with lethal spells.


The smaller diamond pieces sparkle charmingly like morning dew on petals, while two-carat and three-carat pieces mesmerise admirers with their noble glow, the store said in a statement.


The smaller diamond pieces "sparkle charmingly like morning dew on petals, while two-carat and three-carat pieces mesmerise admirers with their noble glow," the store said in a statement.


The smaller diamond pieces "sparkle charmingly like morning dew on petals, while two-carat and three-carat pieces mesmerise admirers with their noble glow," the store said in statement.



vt. 施催眠术, 使迷住 =mesmerize(美)