
The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather.


German geophysicist, meteorologist, and explorer who proposed the theory of continental drift.


The duty of a meteorologist is to observe the weather at all times.


"What is the life like as a meteorologist?


"Well, let me tell you," the meteorologist said.


As a meteorologist, you also supervise enlisted weather observers.


What does it take to become a really good meteorologist?


"It's very frightening," said the meteorologist Zhang Enzi.


A quiet meteorologist first noticed the microbe menace.


Meteorologist believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storm and tornado.


PROF.: A meteorologist tells how he overcame that crippling obstacle.


A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.


Today, she was going to find out what it would take to become a meteorologist.


I live by myself with my two doggies and work as a broadcast meteorologist.


Meteorologist F. said it is the first time two hurricanes of that strength have made landfall in the same season.


Satellite images provide valuable information supplement to the aviation meteorologist.


German geophysicist,meteorologist,and explorer who proposed the theory of continental drift.


For a long time, Xiao Li has wanted to be a meteorologist, and now he has got his wishes.


If possible, a meteorologist prepared to answer questions from pilots shall give weather briefings.


Meteorologist Diallo says climate change will continue, and likely will happen faster in coming years.


A fluffy cumulous cloud weighs the equivalent of approximately 200,000 elephants, a meteorologist calculates.


Meteorologist are predicting more rain in the coming days, offering little comfort to a beleaguered population.


You can choose to specialize as a civilian meteorologist, serve in the military, or even in the space program.


"This is probably one of the worst storms since 1990," a meteorologist in Seattle said.


This picture was considerably sharpened by the Norwegian meteorologist Vilhelm Bjerknes and his son Jakob.


It made landfall in eastern Cuba late Sunday night, said meteorologist Todd Kimberlain at the U.


Mr.Munger grew up in Omaha and joined the U.S.Army during World War II, serving as a meteorologist in Alaska.


Meteorologist Feltgen said it is the first time two hurricanes of that strength have made landfall in the same season.


Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want.


This is the first time a Hong Kong woman meteorologist taking up an important position in an esteemed international organization.


Natural gas broker Jay Levine said he takes any weather prediction with a grain of salt, whether it comes from a meteorologist or a woolly worm.


A meteorologist would find this an ideal vantage point from which to study the ever changing atmospheric conditions below.


Shooting for rain, meteorologist Huang Binming (right) and his crew launch canisters of silver iodide into the sky near Madoi.


Meteorologist Diallo says climat climate change will continue, and like you likely will happen best faster in coming years.


Forster, a meteorologist based at the University of Reading, England, who co-authored the study with NOAA's Susan Solomon.


Ever wonder howa cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimatesthe results might surprise you.


The son of an immigrant carworker in Detroit, he had become an air cadet at the age of 17 and then a member of the army air forces, in which he trained as a meteorologist.


But, they' ll end up much better off waiting on warmer, drier conditions than trying to force the crop in, according to an Iowa State University ag meteorologist.


At a less advanced season of the year the typhoon, according to a famous meteorologist, would have passed away like a luminous cascade of electric flame.


At a less advanced season of the year the typhoon, according to a famous meteorologist, would have passed away like a luminous cascadeof electric flame.


Nonetheless, observes British Antarctic Survey meteorologist Jonathan Shanklin: “It will be the middle of the next century before things are back to where they were in the 1970s.


Nonetheless, observes British Antarctic Survey meteorologist Jonathan Shanklin: "It will be the middle of the next century before things are back to where they were in the 1970s.

然而英国南极观测会的气象学家尚克林表示:"要到下世纪中叶才能恢复到 1970年的状况。"

However, a meteorologist once told me that all thermals start in the lee side and if you fly in major competitions you'll see top pilots flying in the lee on a regular basis.


"Only a handful countries in the world could organise such large-scale magic-like weather modification," it quoted Cui Lianqing, a senior air force meteorologist as saying.


The macroeconomist's ability to predict the future course of economic events is no better than the meteorologist's ability to predict next month's weather.


"There is nothing in nature that should cause these data to be different," said Piers M de F. Forster, a meteorologist based at the University of Reading, England, who co-authored the study with NOAA's Susan Solomon.


Hydrometeorology is concerned with the study of these atmospheric processes which affect the water resources of the earth and which are of interest to the meteorologist and the hydrological engineer.


American pioneer meteorologist who organized a system of communication between weather stations across the country that facilitated forecasting and developed into the U.S. Weather Bureau.


Mediologist Meteorologist Dennis Feltgen of the National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm will cause heavy rains and possible flooding as it moves over mountainess mountainous areas.


Russell Heilig, director of sales for Davis Instruments, says the typical buyer of the Vantage Pro2 is an amateur meteorologist who gets a kick out of beating the weather forecasts on television.
