
Migrates duplicate work item information.


He is considering that migrates the abroad.


He possibly migrates the abroad.


A person or animal that migrates.


Ore bearing hydrothermal migrates ...


This kind of migratory bird migrates whenever autumn comes.


We might call it dynamically stable, since its home migrates.


Finally migrates the utilization, sublimates to the text the understanding.


This article expatiates on these and then migrates to the landscape design.


But I think the secret that the migratory bird migrates is perhaps distributed the wetland on the earth.


It migrates to a unique position within the electric field in a given length of time.


She is not being born here, but migrates the national of a particular country residing abroad of this nation.


Small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates south along sandy coasts in most of world.


A negatively charged ion, especially the ion that migrates to an anode in electrolysis.


She is not being born here,but migrates the national of a particular country residing abroad of this nation.


Wandering Macrophage A macrophage that leaves the blood and migrates to infected tissue.


The following command migrates the security policy from the.NET Framework version 1.1 To the.NET Framework version 1.0.

下面的命令将安全性策略从.NET Framework 1.1版迁移到.NET Framework 1.0版。

A negatively charged ion,especially the ion that migrates to an anode in electrolysis.


Exudate --a component of a coating that migrates to the surface during curing or storage, or after final installation.


If gas permeates the polymer, it can roughen the inner surface of the part when the gas migrates out again.


The Arabic descendants in America consists of two groups migrates, they faced discrimination and affair in America.


We are all new migrates,we come from the same country and speck the same languge.

. 大傢都要加油哦.!我们都是中国人.我们是不会比外国人差的.!别以为中国人英语差.

CONCLUSION: The results of the study indicate that myonuclei migrates transversally.

结论: 结果提示细胞核是横向迁移的。

No other butterfly in the world migrates like the orange and black monarchs of North America.


A flexible and graceful swimmer, the West Indian manatee migrates annually to Florida's coastal waters.


But the Rufous Hummingbird migrates the longest distance, from Mexico to Alaska and back, totaling 5,000 miles.


This is because the virus migrates to various organs in the body, particularly the lymphoid organs.


Inside, JaguarDrive, a rotary knob gear selector first introduced in the XF, migrates to the two-doors.


Spring carry is the most large-scale collective on the world migrates, unique festal landscape.


Microscope: The epithelial attachment migrates from enamel on to cementum, forming the floor of the pocket.


A steelhead is a rainbow trout which migrates into the seas and then they come back up the streams and they re caught in the streams.


The Peng usually lives in North Sea. Only in June, when storms rise upon that sea, does it migrates to the South Sea as migrant birds do.


This procedure calls several procedures in turn and migrates all the remote tables belonging to the user l_smith using the specified criteria.


Then, develop an execution plan for these projects that revises, extends, preserves, migrates, integrates, and builds upon your existing resources.


Population of the Chinese sturgeon migrates to Yangtze River every year has decreased from about 2176 individuals shortly after Ge Zhou damming to 1000 or so at present.


A part of oil and gas from the source is held up in the sag, while the other migrates to the clinoform zone in the west.


Pythagoras developed a view about the transmigration of souls: the belief that on death the soul migrates to the body of another living creature.

毕达戈拉斯阐述关于灵魂轮迴的观点: 相信灵魂死后会轮迴到另一生活模式的身体。

In hydrothermal solution, gold is activated and migrates in the form of hydride, carbonyl compound, nanometer particle, and nanometer alloy.


Once the fractures are crammed, hydrocarbon only migrates through pore system of uncohesive fault rock zone, this phase is low-efficient.


The sand area in Yulin lies in the southeast of the Maowusu desert,which is the most active region,where the Maowusu desert migrates to the southeast.


Once completely disembodied, digitized money escapes from a single transmission form and merrily migrates to whatever medium is handiest.


Probably in the Mt. Longshan time last stage, migrates to outside to middle today Hebei area, afterwards has formed Shang.


Interestingly, Newgrange is a wintering ground for the Whooper Swan which migrates from Iceland every October and returns in March.


The oil & gasusually migrates from the depression center to the gentle slope, and then migratesvertically and accumulates in the reversal structure.


"After a few days, it Begins to lean to one side, and the eye on that side migrates to what eventually becomes the top side.

数日后一侧开始变瘦,使得该侧的眼最后达于鱼的 上侧 。

The Wei-jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties are the period that the nationality migrates greatly, merges greatly in China's history .


In the same year migrates Shanghai, isappointed the Guanghua university, the great summer university andNanjing Central University professor.

同年移居上海, 任光华大学、大夏大学和南京中央大学教授。

The gold anti AFP binding with AFP in serum migrates along the nitrocellulose membrane and forms a aubergine stripe binding with the anti AFP in solid phase.

血清中的afp与金标记抗体结合 ,沿着硝酸纤维素膜移动 ,与膜上的固相抗体结合可形成肉眼可见的紫红色线条。

But as everything else migrates to web-based services, software will increasingly resemble the web technologies of the consumer market, says Mr Benioff.


The skin reacts by protectively encapsulating the alien clumps of pigment in dense fibrous tissue while a few nearby lymph nodes collect what migrates out.
