
Language learning usually necessitates conscious mimicry.


Relating to, characteristic of, or exhibiting mimicry.


A modern performer who specializes in comic mimicry.


Mimicry in plants or animals is a three-part system.


The game that the mimicry an item in the Olympics do.


Within another year the boy's gift for mimicry had become slave row's favorite entertainment.


Relating to, acting as, resembling, or characteristic of a mimic or mimicry.


Best mimicry too can generate the imitation article, not genuine calligraphy.


Mimicry can also be a great way to preen, or learn, or make a new friend.


Pope's was the mere mimicry of his friend, a fictitious part which he began to play before it became him.


Abstract: This article discusses the "mimicry" theme in V.S.Naipaul's three works on the Caribbean islands.

摘要: 论文探讨了奈保尔三篇有关西印度群岛的作品中的模仿主题。

Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is a language art combining four basic techniques: speech, mimicry, comedy and song.


His performance digs deeper than mere mimicry, burrowing into his character's wounded soul.


Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.


Barber said anecdotal observations indicate that animals such as snakes, owls and bees also use acoustic mimicry.


Such mimicry does not need to be perfect to improve the survival of the palatable species.


This mimicry almost got me into trouble, when, on a rare occasion, the professor called on me to answer a question.


Imagination is creation of lead first, arrive creation from the mimicry of stairs.


This is the mimicry by a palatable species of an unpalatable or noxious species.


Batesian mimicry - In this type of mimicry a harmless signaler imitates a dangerous one.

Batesian模仿 -在此类型的一个无害的模仿模仿一个危险的信号之一。Compare with Mullerian mimicry.比较缪勒拟态。

Can also usually excerpt some beautiful phrasing sentences, recite from memory much, mimicry.


The individuality, immediacy and mimicry in computer games satisfy the needs from these people.


As such, she has the gift of mimicry and kinetic communication that all Lorrdians do.


However, in Naipaul's works, the reader can find that the mimicry is very ridiculous and impractical.


Miss Burney protested indignantly,her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry.


A fourth arises through the fact that many insecticides work by a process of mimicry copying the behavior of vital hormones in the species they are de signed to attack.


Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.


Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. --- Oscar Wilde.


To separate the impact of mimicry from genetic inheritance, scientists at the University of Haifa, Israel, looked at people who were born blind.


Mullerian mimicry The condition where unpalatable species resemble each other, and are recognised and avoided by predators.


Adoptive muscle memory, also referred to as muscle mimicry, is the ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed once.


Mullerian mimicry - In this type of mimicry two dangerous species evolve the same signaling trait to the mutual benefit of both.

缪勒拟态 -在这两种类型的模拟危险物种进化相同的信号特征,以双方都受益。Compare with Batesian mimicry.比较Batesian模仿。

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.


Miss Burney protested indignantly, her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry.


Purpose To determine the plasticity of human epithelial ovarian cancer cell SKOV3 and formation of vasculogenic mimicry in vivo.


The network marketing system is the competition ability of the hard mimicry of the company with can obtain income of immaterial assets.


For almost everyone else, however, subtle mimicry comes across as a form of flattery, the physical dance of charm itself.


The similarity between the virus encoded chemokines or chemokine receptors with those of host genes is a consequence of evolutionary mimicry.


ObjectiveThe animal models with vasculogenic mimicry were erected and study the morphologic structure of vasculogenic mimicry.


In some cases, the crude form may indicate a lineage newly embarked on the mimicry path, when evolution has only begun to hone the simulation.


The game that the mimicry an item in the Olympics do.It BE also the first many people cooperation of this utility room to do out.Hope everyone will like!


One writer suggests grouping games into four classes depending upon the elements of competition, chance, mimicry, or vertigo (motion alone, i.e., teeter-tottering).


The game that the mimicry an item in the Olympics do. It BE also the first many people cooperation of this utility room to do out. Hope everyone will like!


The closeness of the mimicry expresses the people's love for nature and the intense scrutiny of ordinary life by folk artists, as well as their virtuosity in performance.


JJapan is a nation skillful in absorbing foreign cultures.However,Japanese culture has usually received foreign cultures by means of mimicry,tameness and creation.


This article is mainly to investigate the culture origin of the flour and asserts that the flour basically derived from the mimicry of animals' faces and was used for fete.


This research was based on the relationship between consumption and symbols in sociology to explore the cause of product mimicry and people s psychological feeling of consumption.


C.S.Holling, The functional response of predator to prey density and its role in mimicry and population regulation[J].Mem.Ent.Sec.Can. 1965, (45): 1-60.


As to the disadvantages, their existence prevents border trade from expanding.These disadvantages originate from such factors as smuggling, mimicry, trade deficit and so on.


I underscore the importance of hospitality, manners and mimicry in Cather's portrayal of the complexities of westward expansion on the Nebraska frontier.
