
The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king.


The country suffers year of misrule under a weak king.


Those inside government have less excuse for misrule.


The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule.


The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king .


He considered misrule a justification for revolution.


The Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers.


It is no bad thing for Mr Karzai to know he cannot misrule with impunity.


Where were these people during the last eight years of Bush's misrule?


After a decade of the instability and misrule that resulted, many Pakistanis welcomed General Musharraf's coup.


After years of misrule, even basic necessities such as electricity and water are luxuries in Conakry, the capital.


More regulation might possibly deter them from handling the proceeds of misrule.


A time of misrule, when every principle is turned on its head, is a tempting thing indeed.


It is not surprising that it took a man who might have walked off the pages of a Greene novel to end Colorado misrule.


The King of Christmas was duly crowned, and the Lord of Misrule bore potent sway.On the Eve of St.


A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to political turmoil and military misrule.


There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions in holiday time, and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule.


Of course, it is a shame that both politicians are massively compromised: by allegations of corruption, brutishness and former misrule.


He was one of the Abbots of Misrule, and his portfolio was to journey into the world of Krynn and dispense bad advice and terrible truths.


Folklore Qu Yuan voted on May Chu Wu Jiang himself, for his care for the fate, dissatisfied with the misrule death, become a great man revered.


After many years of war and misrule, Liberia, the west African state founded by freed American slaves, is a shattered nation.


It is a testimony to Mr Conte's 24 years of misrule that the coup was greeted at the least with equanimity by most Guineans.


There is a real risk that if the international effort doesn't broaden quickly, Sierra Leone could lapse back into misrule and conflict.


"There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions, in holiday time;and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule.


They include hotshots and slowcoaches, places that feel thoroughly modern and those where the air still bears a rancid tang from past misrule.


Each year, a beggar or student would be crowned the "lord of misrule" and eager celebrants played the part of his subjects.


There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions in holiday time, and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule .


Misrule breeds rebellion; this is not a new idea. And yet the authorities still for the most part act as if drugs were themselves the cause of the problem.


Insularity meant that Spanish colonial rule survived far longer there; then came subjection to the United States as a neo-colony and misrule by a string of corrupt strongmen.


The states that have seen the most cases of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu are Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Egypt, none of them among the worst cases of misrule or non-rule.


He has presided over 20 years of stability and uninterrupted economic growth, an immense achievement for a country emerging from years of misrule in the 1980s.


Twenty years of Pan Green misrule have left scars on our government and our society.These scars are obstacles to the implementation of the government’s policies.


One reason is the tragedy of it: Zimbabwe has fallen much further than most African countries, and in a fashion of misrule that many in Africa, especially its leaders, had claimed was over.


Democracy, hard argument and open contest are alive, kicking and reasonably well in at least two countries where street protest prevailed against post-Soviet misrule in a spectacular way.


1. The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king.


tyranny; misrule; tyrannical government; harsh government; oppressive government


then came subjection to the United States as a neo-colony and misrule by a string of corrupt strongmen.


they are dying of cholera in Zimbabwe because of Robert Mugabe's misrule, and grants to improve the water supply won't help much as long as he remains.


"A nobility of the spirit," said the Abbot of Misrule, a small smile flickering across his face. "Then isn't our question not 'What is good?' but 'What is nobility?' "


the abbot of misrule


master of misrule


Lord of Misrule

"糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人), n. 司仪


n.暴政,无秩序 vt.施暴政

abbot of misrule


the lord of misrule

n. 主持圣诞节狂欢会的人