
The disease mummified many fruits.


The ancient Egyptians mummified their kings and queens.


Do not assume that all mummified pigs are caused by PPV infection.


Heart scarabs were placed next to the heart after the body was mummified.


Underneath piles of trash in a bathtub filled with dirt, a mummified body.


Species from all over the world were gathered and mummified for this purpose.


The week before, he amputated three dry-gangrenous, mummified toes on her left foot.


Police in Florida are finding more clues as they investigate a mummified baby found in a suitcase.


In addition to cats, the Egyptians also mummified dogs, birds, snakes and monkeys.


An Oracle or Ktonian Necromancer summons the soul of a Pale One and makes it repossess its mummified body.


Professor Lloyd said he had heard rumours in the early 1970s of a mummified lion being found in Egypt.


Neroli was once an oil heavily used in embalming those who were mummified in ancient times.


This girl is special in that she's been mummified, a way of keeping a dead body from decomposing.


Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified.


The mummified corpse of a Hierodule is brought from the tomb of a High Priest and given life through dark rites of rebirth.


A Ktonian Necromancer summons the soul of a dead Seal Guard and makes it repossess its mummified body to resume its sacred task.


The mummified corpse of an ancient Lizard King is brought from his sacred tomb and given life through dark rites of rebirth.


VIENNA (Reuters) - An Austrian woman lived with the mummified remains of her aunt for a year, Vienna police said Wednesday.


All told, earth has gathered records that show sees that over 1400 species were mummified over the 4000-year cycle of the Pharaohs.


Each kingdom was brought back alive at the suggestion of the false gods and then mummified and placed into the pyramids.


Thousands of mummified animals and many animal deity figurines were found from Egypt's Late Period, between 330 B.C. and 30 B.C.


Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey,which symbolizes strength. Kestrels[3] were held sacred in Ancient Egypt,and were often mummified.


They bring the kidnapped Jones with them and force him at gunpoint to help them find some mummified remains from a plane crash.


More commonly, lost twins are discovered as tiny mummified attachments to the placenta of the live twin, after it is born.


Rogers S O,Bendich A J.Extractionof DNA from Milligram Amounts of Fresh,Herbarium and Mummified Plant Tissues.Plant MolBiol,1985,5(2):69.


EgyptEgypt‘s national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified.


I saw avocados that looked nearly mummified, and bought jalapenos that tasted like bell peppers, inexplicably lacking any hint of heat.


Although the breeding and burial of lions as sacred animals in Egypt is mentioned by ancient sources, to date no one had found a mummified specimen.


"Mummified" trees that lived around Viking times have been discovered near a fjord in southwestern Norway, scientists say.


Hawass said that when he opened it, he found a body mummified in the style typical of the 26th Dynasty, covered in linen and resin.


Sows: Coughing, Fever, Nervous signs, Abortions, Mummified piglets, Stillbirths, Birth weak litters, Reproductive failure.


The mummified trees are different from petrified wood, a kind of fossil created when wood is replaced with minerals over thousands of years.


Archaeologists have uncovered the first example of a lion mummified by the ancient Egyptians, in the tomb of the woman who helped rear King Tutankhamun.


Then on the mummified remains which have survived, the tattoos were noted on torsos, limbs, hands, the fingers and thumbs, and sometimes facial tattooing was practiced.


In the absence of any other signs of illness in the breeding females, PPV disease can be suspected by increases in mummified pigs and small litter sizes.


High incidence of Swine Fever on some farms threated to pig industry because it resulted in a high rate of mortality, and abortions, died and mummified fetuses.


Before this feat, Professor Zhao had successfully reproduced images of some 20 ancient people based on their remains, either a mummified body or a piece of skull.


This is quite different to PRRS infection, which kills the foetus only after 70 days of age inside the womb and therefore very late mummified pigs are seen in this disease.


The mummified rulers were likely to be artificial mummies, but the mummification method of the Inca are not fully known.


Since the Egyptians believed that mummification was essential for passage to the afterlife, people were mummified and buried as well as they could possibly afford.


At present,sow reproductive capacity defect result from tong anestrus and decreased live pigs born,and then open,abortion,underpriviled Rig,mummified fetus,embryonic mortality etc.


Porcine Parvovirus(PPV) is one of major causative agents, resulted in a sydrome of reproductive failure in swine, which includes stillbirths, mummified failure in early embryonic death, and infertility.

猪细小病毒(Porcine Parvovirus ,PPV)可引起猪的繁殖障碍性疾病,其特征为感染母猪,特别是引起初产母猪流产,产出死胎、畸形胎、木乃伊胎及病弱仔猪。

Besides the cage and torture instruments, there is a mummified hand allegedly cut from a serf, and photographs of a punishment cave filled with scorpions and of a man with his nose cut off.


At saqqara, we are told that people bought offerings to his cult center, including mummified Ibises and sometimes, clay models of diseased limbs and organs in the hope of being healed.


Few items are more prized than the mummified remains of its ancient pharaohs, and Egypt has tried for years to recoup what is likely the 3000-year-old body of Pharaoh Ramses I from U.S. museums.


In 1323 BC Egypt's boy-king Tutankhamun died - he was just 18 years old.Hastily mummified he was placed in an unfinished tomb, his existence unknown until the tomb's sensational rediscovery in 1922.


Sometimes, when she became lonely, she thought about going out into the desert, and lying down beside Kreiger's mummified corpse;letting the sand smother her.But something stopped her from doing it.


The mummified remains have a connection to the crystal skull of the title, and both deeply interest Spalko, who feels that if she can find where the skull came from, great knowledge will be hers.


The Alpine guide Kurt Fritz organised the transportation by helicopter of the mummified remains, and was killed by a snowslide in an accident in the mountains, in an area he knew well.


If aliens showed up to Earth 1,000 years later, they'd find an abandoned planet with ten billion mummified corpses laying on the floor of ten billion dusty holodecks, with huge smiles on their faces.
