
Murkiness brings unpredictability, which financial markets do not like.


Murkiness around how AIG intends to save itself also caused investors to flee.


The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes.


This year soon graduates the graduate student already felt the employment market the murkiness.


However increases the amount of space occupied at the same time is actually market murkiness.


But for all this, the employment reported that still reflected the employment market the murkiness.


There is darkness through and through, a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.


Let's decipher what these studies indicate and sort through the murkiness about what it really means to be fit.


There is a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.


Regarding the Shandong Luneng near future murkiness, Cheng Yaodong will use “the trough time” this word to make the illustration for the match.


This has represented the overwhelming majority home-buyer's point of view, therefore, at present market murkiness, is also naturally.


The team paces back and forth in the murkiness, the chart pulls out has not put out the very good countermeasure obviously.


The stars grew fainter and the sky, shrouded by a murkiness that could have been clouds or mist, seemed much higher than before.


But bond index funds are rarer than stock funds, in part because the murkiness of the bond market makes them hard to manage.


SUMMARY In 21 century, all corporations in the world compete and develop in an environment of more merciful and uncertain and murkiness.

摘要 进入21世纪以来,各个企业越来越在动荡、多变、不确定和混沌的环境中运作、竞争,战略管理理论和大量实践证明一个没有战略的企业,如同在险恶气候中飞行的飞机,随时可能迷失方向。

The murkiness of the Dark River is caused by absorption of background starlight by dust, although the nebula contains mostly hydrogen and molecular gas.

暗河的黑暗度是由于尘埃吸收了背景恒星光,尽管星云内几乎都是氢气和分子气体 。

How Beijing's regulators handle the case could offer a clue as to whether the law will remove a layer of murkiness from China's deal landscape or add another one.


He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo “this murkiness, next time murky and under next time murky”.


But in the global economic murky is because US dollar murkiness, US dollar depreciates every time 1%, affects each barrel oil price 4 to 5 US dollars.



n. 黑暗, 模糊