
Unfortunate that the English language should transform a great work of French literature into a mock-Italian novelette.


Just through the above-mentioned sarcastic-retort narration, the novelette can further present the motif distinctly.


Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction.


The period of Cultural Revolution is reconstructed by means of adopting language in LV Xin's novelette I Can Recall the Snow 18 Years Ago.


In spite of poems, of prose, or of novelette, Mr.Chan's writings share the same gist: through them the author's philosophy is revealed.


The study shows that Hemingway endowed the novelette with a deeper and more abstract theme than what the critics have generally interpreted.


After that, the novelette was reprinted for numerous times and was translated into almost all major languages throughout the world.


Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.


I have some to study English the opinion, for instance, on-line looks for some English novelette, reads, should better be reads Chinese first, is reading English.


The novelette Household Duties of Liu Qing-bang has the characteristic of subject of both ugly-testing stories and fine-testing stories, not only the emerging and praises of nice humanity, but also the revelation animadversion of despicable humanity.


Moreover, it helped Hemingway to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in 1954. After that, the novelette was reprinted for numerous times and was translated into almost all major languages throughout the world.

由于这篇小说,海明威荣获了1953年的普利策小说奖和1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。 随后小说被大量重印,并译成几乎世界上所有主要的文字,倍受欢迎,被奉为经典。

To study it as a literary image is of great significance in understanding Hemingway's aesthetic outlook in his literary creation and is helpful for us to understand the theme of novelette.


Yuan and Ming Dynasties' legend novelette


Novelette in the New Century: The Possibility as a Literature Style


medium-length novel; novelette


Unfortunate that the English language should transform a great work of French literature into a mock-Italian novelette


Growing up through Meeting Demands of the Times and Making Self-improvement --On the Novelette Creation during the Second Ten Years of Chinese New Literature



n. 微型小说, 中篇小说