
Heywood nudges Jigger.Watch this.


He nudges them to pipe down and study.


The increased challenge may be what nudges you into your zone.


Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend.


My father nudges a couple of olives toward the edge of his plate.


When we obey God's nudges, we open the door to miracles.


He listens to them.He nudges them to pipe down and study.


Their beautiful spilit gently nudges your heart each time you hear their name.


Their beautiful spirit gently nudges your heart each time you hear their names.


Briber: bribing now unlocks a new trait chain that nudges the diplomat into becoming very good at it.


He nudges the co-pilot, who absently toggles his own switch as he stifles a yawn.Muffled snapping noises follow.


Incidentally, feel free to applause if the mood strikes you. Or, for that matter, even if it just nudges you.


He may also find that the simple fact of caucusing with Democrats nudges him farther to the left.


Mater: [nudges McQueen playfully] I'm just kiddin'. She jus' likes me for my body.


Stam went into the referee’s book on 25 minutes for the slightest of nudges on Antonio Cassano.


As the book comes to a close, the author nudges the user in the direction of add-ons.


While he worked, Jacob chattered happily, needing only the lightest of nudges from me to keep the conversation rolling.


It's not as strong as a sleeping pill, but it directly affects your body's internal clock and nudges it toward sleep.


She held her head high and affected not to notice the nudges and whispers of the little girls near her.


But the Holy Spirit never nudges us to murmur. He nudges us to grace and truth. And problem solving.


Mater: [nudges McQueen playfully] I'm just kiddin'. She jus' likes me for my body.


Nudges and winks and whispers traversed the room, but Tom sat still, with his arms upon the long, low desk before him, and seemed to study his book.


The homeless woman spots the Punks chasing the boys, as she and her husband drive by. She nudges her husband and points.


Harry nudges Ron to protest for him, rather than protesting himself. He seems to feel that Ron is better at it than he is.


Just as shit happening nudges the switch towards fight, flight or freeze, you can learn how to keep pushing the switch back towards relaxation.


Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, apparently ruled himself out as an independent presidential candidate after months of nudges and winks.


Despite the corporation's shrill response, the reforms proposed by Lord Carter, the communications minister, are only nudges in a new direction.


Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, apparently ruled himself outas an independent presidential candidate after months of nudges andwinks.


While most of us rely on gut feelings to alert us to danger,spiritual intelligence usually nudges us,not away from,but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.


Machine evolution will do the same as it incrementally nudges robots from their clumsy beginnings to the heights of human-level intelligence and mobility.


Similarly, the only way to convert a topological qubit to a different state is to subject it to some such violence.Small nudges from the environment will not do the trick.


And, so, when the ship was anchored in Qeynos Harbor, he knew that the insistent nudges rocking her back and forth meant another ship had pulled alongside.


While most of us rely on gut feelings to alert us to danger, spiritual intelligence usually nudges us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.


Famed fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his gruff assistant Doctor Watson pitch their tent while on a camping expedition, but in the middle of the night Holmes nudges Watson awake and questions him.


Therefore, your guides will be able to help you with nudges here and intuitive thoughts there so that you will be guided into what to do to become invisible or do any of these practices.


So it is a particular disappointment that the interim version of the biggest review of British primary schooling in decades nudges the country a little further down its path toward factfree education.


“Once we know the map,” said one brain imaging expert, “we can tell what nudges the brain for good or ill.


who is a good fellow, nudges my elbow, and says to me in a low voice, `Come, answer!'


1. The gendarme, who is a good fellow, nudges my elbow, and says to me in a low voice, `Come, answer!'


The gendarme, who is a good fellow, nudges my elbow, and says to me in a low voice, `Come, answer!'


us to danger, spiritual intelligence usually nudges us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.


They nudged each other every moment -- eloquent nudges and easily understood, for they simply meant -- "Oh, but ain't you glad NOW we're here!"

他俩不时地同时彼此相互碰一碰,意思非常明了。 “噢,现在你该高兴我们呆在这里是对的