
Carno: Hope to download more scores with obbligato music.


Piano obbligato score of [Carnaval de Venise Fantaisie Variee] for Flute by P.A Genin is urgently,please help me!


Understanding melodic elements : anticipations, delayed-attack, fill-ins, counter melody and obbligato.


A brave girl!with th e obbligato “Dragon's offspring”,she finished the "impossible mission "!


Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato.


Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the childhe added a running obbligato.


Piano obbligato score for "My heart will go on" is needed urgently,please help me!


Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏).


When you feel tedious,you can take use of some karaOK or VCD to play obbligato,follow it you can feel the performance with a band,by this way the vapidity would escape.

当你感到单调而枯燥时,可以利用一些卡拉OK的VCD 播放伴奏音乐,跟着伴奏可以实现与乐队的模拟合奏练习,这样就不显得单调了。

To those friends possessing computer,by super herosoft2000,the selected obbligato music can be compressed into MP3 or transfered to WAV form,then to make a obbligato CD.

有计算机的朋友可以利用超级解霸2000将选定的伴奏音乐压缩成MP3 或转成WAV 格式文件后再刻录成光盘。

The study is a literature survey of the chamber cantatas for solo voice with the obbligato instruments and basso continuo during later 17th to early 18th centuries in Rome.


An obbligato accompaniment.


The discussion contains the instrumentation of obbligato instruments, the relationships of the musical materials between voice part and the accompaniment, and style influences among the composers.


Your improv play and the accompanying obbligato have deterred us from taking not a single nap at noon, disturbed the tempo of our regular supper, and vanquished our slightest hope of sleeping at 11pm.


Then leaning over,the master reached down with hie left hand and began filling in a bass part.Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato.


On Improvisational Piano Obbligato Ability of Students in Teachers College


Probing into the Teaching Experiment of Accordion Obbligato among Musical Majors in Teachers College


with piano obbligato



n. 伴奏