
Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well.


Oreo chocolate Wafer is a new member of the family.


So Kraft remade the Oreo itself.


Oreo plays with a piece of duct tape.


See how Kraft is tailoring Oreo cookies to Chinese consumers.


Oreo cookies will set you up for craving more sugar within 3 hours or less.


Kraft has doubled its Oreo revenue in China over the past two years.


Whereas in the US, a meal could be a bag of Oreo cookies, that could be so fat.


The company created an Oreo apprentice program at 30 Chinese universities that drew 6,000 student applications.


Chocolate Xiangnong, Granville of the crisp, and Oreo delicious combinations, so that you can not help one to one.


The new Chinese Oreo was four layers of crispy wafer filled with vanilla and chocolate cream, coated in chocolate.


Oreo unique black-and-white sandwich cookies, Jingdiaoxike, popular throughout the world, people see an unforgettable.


Judging by his looks, however, the Chosen One is less Giant Panda than Double Stuffed Oreo.


In China in 2006, the company introduced an Oreo that looked almost nothing like the original.


Oreo worldwide sales of biscuits together with the length enough from Earth to the Moon back and forth six times.


With the help of those sales, Oreo last year brought in more than $1 billion for the first time.


U.S.-based Kraft Foods Inc. issued a statement saying Oreo products with milk do not contain any dairy from China.


A picture from Christmas last year - Oreo was NOT happy about being in the stocking!


The maker of Oreo cookies, Philadelphia cream cheese and Post cereals is the leader in four-fifths of its markets in America.


For a mere 99 cents, treat your refined palette to some deep-fried Oreo cookies, and taste what happens when a sandwich creme cookie drowns in oil.


One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-like substance.


Some people believe that Oreo's name from the French, is the "gold" means, because the initial Oreo is that the color of the packaging.

一些人认为,奥利奥的名字来自法语,是“金子” 的意思,因为最初奥利奥的包装是那个颜色的。

Oreo in 1996 to enter the Chinese market, in China, it has become the most influential, the most successful biscuit leading brands.


Television commercials showed kids twisting apart Oreo cookies, licking the cream center and dipping the chocolate cookie halves into a glass of milk.


McDonald’s said the ice cream in its restaurants in China was untainted, and Kraft said its Oreo cookies did not contain dairy fillings from China.


We've all experienced those strong urges for a particular food -- whether it be ice cream, greasy French fries, or Oreo cookies.


Kraft, the maker of Oreo cookies, said yesterday it would pursue the acquisition after the British maker of Dairy Milk chocolate rejected the offer.


Ms.Rosenfeld also has been encouraging marketers to "reframe" product categories -- in other words, not to think of an Oreo exclusively as a round sandwich cookie.


On the local customers on "Oreo eating food you can", the newspaper reporter to consult the quality inspection departments to learn about the latest situation.


In addition, Indonesian health authorities refers to the production of the Mainland m &m "s, who force planes, melamine detected Oreo, Mars and Kraft paper company.


In China's production of coated with chocolate Oreo products do contain milk ingredients, but the composition of milk from all the raw materials abroad.


Vonkummer told the trooper that an Oreo had just slipped from his fingers as he dunked it in a cup of milk, and that he was trying to fish it out when he lost control of his car.


Due to a production of Suzhou Oreo cookies and chocolate-wei in Indonesia found to contain melamine, a number of people have asked this newspaper called "Oreo can eat the food?


Gone are biscuit brown and bully beef and in their place are Oreo cookies, Thai green curry and salmon pasta meals designed to provide troops with the minimum 4,000 calories a day they need.


However, inquiries to reporters before the company released a statement that the company's production of Oreo products do not contain China in the local procurement of components of milk.


Altria says it made the change to get the message across to investors that it was not just a tobacco company but also the owner of food brands such as Oreo biscuits and Maxwell House coffee.

Altria则表示,他们改名是为了向投资者传达一种资讯:Altria不仅仅是一个烟草公司,还拥有诸如奥利奥(Oreo)饼乾和麦克斯威尔 (Maxwell House) 咖啡等食品品牌。

10.Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well.


" some people believe that the reason why so called, it is because the "oreo" simple sounds.


was born in 1912 in oreo listed it quickly became a best-selling cookie with cream filling in the united states. oreo what is the name of the birth of this »



n. (奉行白人社会准则的)“白心”黑人 n. 奥利奥奶油夹心巧克力饼干(商标名)

" Yesterday reporters at the major supermarkets in the urban areas, Oreo products still on sale, because "the national quality inspection department did not issue a warning with melamine.
