
Fifteen percent of women experience pain with intercourse, 18-48% experience difficulty becoming aroused, 46% note difficulty reaching orgasm, and 15-24% are not orgasmic.


Semen ejaculated in orgasm.


To experience orgasm.


To have an orgasm.


The aims of the present study were to examine the effects of coitus on gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in men and women,and to observe whether the hormone level changes if the orgasm occurred during sexual intercourse.


Afterplay The affectionate time that occurs after intercourse or orgasm, usually consisting of caressing, cuddling, talking, laughing, eating, cleaning up, getting ready to make love again, or falling asleep.


For she only had to hold herself Back in sexual intercourse, and let him finish and expend himself without herself coming to the crisis: and then she could prolong the connexion and achieve her orgasm and her crisis while he was merely her tool.


In her book, Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, Harvard psychologist Nancy Etcoff describes research which shows that the best way to predict whether or not a woman will have an orgasm during sex is to look at the symmetry of her partner.


Male sexual desire can be aroused very quickly, can hand in in whole sex orgasm is achieved immediately in the process, the sexual desire after orgasm passes can very fast subsidise.


Researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands have used scans to show that different areas of the brain are stimulated during an orgasm but are not activated when a woman fakes it.


Head and neck muscles often tighten during sexual activity, and blood pressure can increase at orgasm, causing blood vessels in the brain to dilate, a condition technically named coital cephalgia.


By Laurie Barclay, MDWebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Gary D.Vogin, MDFeb. 11, 2002 -- At last, neurologists may have pinned down the orgasm, and its hideaway is far removed from the G-spot.


For this reason, many females seem to need a longer time to reach orgasm during coitus than their male partners, whose excitement is often sustained and increased by psychological factors.


Once he has successfully completed these initial steps, he lets himself be masturbated by his partner (again first without and then with lubrication) until he can delay his orgasm for 15 minutes.


Women may try cunnilinctus just as a means of stimulation before they proceed to other forms of sexual intercourse, or they may practice it for its own sake and continue it through orgasm.


The incidence of orgasm associated incontinence is greater with radical prostatectomy than with radical cystectomy and it is unrelated to the type of prostatectomy performed (open s laparoscopic).


On the other hand, the need to reach orgasm and ejaculate usually becomes less pressing, and thus, the man may be able to continue coitus for a longer time than in his younger years.


Lasaier Sitanbo says: "Almost the orgasm that every male magazine meets pair of women tries to define, give out a lot of measure a level, if look is current red, vagina is constrictive wait.


In four of the chatroom threads, respondents also said they had suffered the same problems, but in no case did people say they sneezed not only after sexual thoughts but also after orgasm.


The basic characteristics of orgasm is basically the same gender, the female muscle contraction began in the lower part of the vagina, followed by rhythmic contraction of the uterus occurs.


Asia's lovers rate sex far less highly than those elsewhere around the globe, spend less time having intercourse and are less likely to reach orgasm, according to a survey released Tuesday.


An orgasm lasts only a few seconds and is felt very much like a short seizure or rather a quick succession of convulsions which involve the whole body and soon lead to complete relaxation.


In addition to pain, she said many masochists find pleasure in choking themselves or being choked, because the sudden rush of blood to the head can produce a euphoric high and enhance orgasm.


I start to shake, start to vibrate like a goddamn tuning fork, until he probably thinks he's such a good kisser that I'm going into orgasm, but actually I'm about three counties away from an orgasm.


You're likely to bring yourself to orgasm by stimulating your penis or clitoris, but it will be more arousing, and your climax more satisfying, if you explore as much of your body as possible.


Her partner can easily maintain an erection, but he reaches orgasm (and therefore ejaculates) only after he has either withdrawn from her body or completely removed himself for her presence.


If headaches become the routine price of an orgasm, the condition can improve with weight loss, exercise, adopting a passive role during sex or prescription medications taken before sex.


Men who have difficulty timing their orgasms may be helped by a method often recommended by sex therapists: The woman masturbates the man close to orgasm, but then applies the “squeeze”.


an orgasm accompanied by the ejaculation of semen.


absence of an orgasm in sexual relations.


A triumph of willpower over the orgasm,


A triumph of willpower over the orgasm


failure to achieve (an) orgasm


failure to achieve(an) orgasm


peak of sexual pleasure;orgasm


“You have never given me an orgasm,” Alice replied.


to eject or discharge abruptly,especially to discharge(semen) in orgasm


2 it is to be not importuned every time him sexual life or both sides has orgasm.


subsequently and the female needs 8-15 mostly minute coital time ability achieves orgasm.


" Bai Juan asks: "Do you say phallic size matters with feminine orgasm after all?


Keywords bulbocavernosus muscle;ischiocavernosus muscle erection;sexual act;orgasm;erectile dysfunction;


3 Though clitoral orgasm is easy to achieve, most women want to experience penetrative orgasm.

3. 尽管阴蒂高潮易于实现,许多女人还是想要体验“实战冲刺”带来的性高潮。

2.Sex helps you sleep.After orgasm, prolactin helps to relax and calm most people.

2. 性爱帮助你睡眠.在高潮后,泌乳刺激素能帮助大多数人放松和镇静。

"At orgasm the muscle tension is quickly released; the penis contracts repeatedly, ejaculating semen; the vagina contracts regularly."


excitation of one's own or another's genital organs,usually to orgasm,by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse


Despite his courage, and despite the benefits of Karezza with which he was familiar, he emphasized delaying orgasm rather than avoiding it altogether

尽管勇气可嘉,也有相熟的朋友卡利扎的倾囊相助, 他的重点并不是对性高潮一口封杀而是在如何延缓性高潮方面。

"Ejaculatory impotence (inability to reach orgasm, sometimes with an erection maintained for a long time) nearly always has an emotional cause."


An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.


How can you tell if a Scouse girl has an orgasm?


Multiple Screaming Orgasm without the vodka.
