
Ovulating more than once a year.


Sex!This is the last day I'm ovulating.


Women who are starving stop ovulating.


As for women who are ovulating and don't want to advertise that fact?


And Serum Zn, Cu in the ovulating day for 12 fertile women were measured too.


I know I'm ovulating right now.The ground is ready .I just need someone to plant the seed.


I know I'm ovulating right now. The ground is ready, I just need someone to plant the seed.


He added: “We advise couples to try to work out when the woman’s ovulating and have lots of sex.


It's not in a tribe's or community's interests for one ovulating female to monopolize the reproductive attention of too many males.


I know I'm ovulating right now. The ground is ready, I just need someone to plant the seed. -- But who's going to be the lucky farmer?


In those animals, it facilitates sexual reproduction by reducing a female's natural fear of being approached by a male when she is ovulating.


Most women stop ovulating (and therefore menstruating) during the first few months because of certain hormonal changes in the body.


When your mother and I were trying to conceive you, whenever she was ovulating, bam, we did it.That's how I got my bad hip.


The brains of Sahakian's entrepreneurs and Rupp's ovulating women are getting the resources needed to make the best possible decisions.


The TCM can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance.


The TCM and western drugs can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance.


When women are ovulating, their features change in ways that men unconsciously pick up.So men are particularly attracted to women when they're fertile.


Though not in the same class as the obvious physical cues other primate females give when they are ovulating, it is the first evidence that women openly advertise their fertility.


However, consistently irregular periods are often an indication that you have irregular ovulation, or are not ovulating at all.


I may be done ovulating!


Preoperative serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and the LH/ follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio were significantly higher in the ovulating group than in the non-ovulating group.


Methods: Serum Zn, Cu in the ovulating day for 34 immune infertile women treatedwith Yiqing recipe were measured twice by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) before and after the treatment.


FSH is a glycoprotein hormone.Its physiological function could promote endometrium growth、ovulating、stimulating follicle develop for female animals and stimulate spermatogenesis for male animals.


But the most common causes of problems are not ovulating (39 per cent of women), polycystic ovary syndrome (20 per cent), blocked fallopian tubes (18 per cent)low sperm count (19 per cent of men).


Whereas, they say, ovulating women not on the pill "exhibit a preference for more masculine features, are particularly attracted to men showing dominance and male-male competitiveness and prefer ....


whenever she was ovulating, bam, we did it!


54 from the right, with the average number 3.27 per ovulating ewe.


- What is going on with you two?- Well, you see, I'm ovulating.


those who are not ovulating or menstruating make $50.


while the oocytes were ovulating,the number of CGs reached the maximum.

当卵母细胞将排卵时,CGs 达到最大数量。

You waited this long now stop debating cuz I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating


Keywords Infertility;ovulatory dysfunction;Yishenhuoxue Decoction;pregnancy rate;ovulating rate;sex hormone;endometrium;
