
The phrase "Olympic movement" is oxymoronic.


Accurate Estimates - the ultimate oxymoron?


"People's Republic" now an oxymoron.


Budget-luxury? Sounds like an oxymoron.


Lean Manufacturing and IT - It's Not an Oxymoron!


And I think it's an oxymoron, anyway.


Or with Bush filling the slot, is that an oxymoron?


It may sound like an oxymoron but money has its Achilles' heel.


Even the concept of a beautiful Asian man became an oxymoron.


This brings to mind the once popular word “oxymoron.

这使我想起了曾经流行的“矛盾” 。

The term “Professional Blogger” is no longer an oxymoron.


The oxymoronic ice cream recipe for Mexican fried ice cream comes about logically.


I think the idea of consensual sex in the military is almost an oxymoron.


Kind of a weird, oxymoronic kind of thing going on with Wall Street, as well as the company.


The scientists are part of a minimovement known by the oxymoronic name of 'human computation.


The first stage of CBD is the era of monolithic components, a seeming oxymoron that describes the adolescent state of components today.


You may wonder if that is an oxymoron, healthy and chocolate???? Let me assure you, it’s for real!


Though affordable luxury is something of an oxymoron, this concept is indeed what Reiss offers.


That sounds real oxymoronic, if anything else, but researchers have pinpointed a kind of fat that just might be the key to battling obesity.


Even Mr Bush's apparently oxymoronic trust in “big-government conservatism” is shared in practice by most Republicans in Congress.


The traditional Christian view implies however that a "literal interpretation of the Bible" is an oxymoron.


Similarly, it is not an oxymoron to be a mainstream Muslim who believes in an Absolute.


It may be a bit of an oxymoron, but home theater junkies can be lazy as hell too.


If you had to think of an automotive oxymoron, "sexy minivan" would come to mind.


Smells, whether pleasant or rotten, go far to define this city, where fresh air often seems like an oxymoron.


An enormous menu might be considered an oxymoron if one were to restrict the word etymologically.


The first stage of CBD is the era of monolithic components,a seeming oxymoron that describes the adolescent state of components today.


Only having fully understood the marvelous use of the Oxymoron, can we grasp the deep thinking and exquisite art of the Luxun's works more thoroughly.


Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.


Through a unique and oxymoronic combination of communism and capitalism, China is launching millions of firms into global competition with American firms.


But the politics has leaped well ahead of the science, meaning voters will decide long before physicians whether medical marijuana is an oxymoron.


This may seem like an oxymoron as the economy is declining as more humans upon the mainland go into fear and cease to travel to the islands.


Although the feature of oxymoron appears to weaken its related literary theme and the spirit of the works,the oxymoron itself is a particular angle of view...


Mastering Oxymoron can help improve people's thinking and faculty to understand, and promote the communication and link between Chinese and foreign Oxymoron.


No amount of resource extraction beyond what the planet, over millions of years, slowly replenishes, is sustainable.'Sustainable growth' is an oxymoron.


Generally, Shakespeare's oxymoron conveys the protagonists ambivalent and intricate psychological states through a seemingly contradictory but dialectical unity.


The term ‘healthy smoothie’ can be an oxymoron with some smoothies (from well-known outlets here in Oz) having as many as 600 calories and 70 grams (14 teaspoons) of sugar.


The second chapter mainly presents a literature review on the researches of oxymoron,and explains the two ways of classification and its rhetoric and pragmatic effects.


An oxymoron if ever there was one.) By accounting for extraordinary events, these one-time charges were meant to help us to better analyze ongoing operating results.


Based on the mental space theory provided by Fauconnier, this paper is an exploration of the working mechanism of the generation and comprehension of oxymoron.


Only an apparent oxymoron, social amoebas are able to gather in organized groups and behave cooperatively, some even committing suicide to help fellow amoebas reproduce.


In addition, Shakespeare's oxymora are frequently integrated into national languages,without which any oxymoron would lose its significance.


It sounds like an oxymoron!


At first it sounds like an oxymoron but when you critically examine any professional in a high stress situation you can see that it is a trait that is found in each of these people who are successful at their particular task.


Oxymoron reflects the vast, deep, tight, flexible and difference-seeking characteristics of the Luxun's works, with obscure complicated artistic conceptions and obvious lively intentions.


Edward Hirsch successfully and skillfully uses many language devices in his love poem“REGRET”including figurative languages, sppech styles, enjambment, metaphors, images, oxymoron, and chiasmus.


In response to their puzzling over the phrase "the silence was deafening", the present study attempts to deal with some aspects relevant to oxymoron and introduce the translation means concerned.


The actress is an oxymoron: a woman who leaves her imprint on every film she touches, and yet has not the imprint that audiences recognize in the Nicholsons, Hackmans, and Murrays of the acting world.


Within the territory of traditional rhetoric, oxymoron is a unique figure of speech displaying a controversial meaning by means of the collocation of two semantically opposite linguistic units.


Oxymoron and its translation methods
