
Sereno is a well-known paleontologist.


British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania.


When I was young, I wanted to be a paleontologist.


I love science and want to be a Paleontologist.


British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania (1903-1972).


He felt like a paleontologist coming face to face with a living dinosaur.


This paper is dedicated to academician Sheng Jinzhang, a famous paleontologist.


Chan Yin Xun (1902-1984) well-known geologist and paleontologist, Xingtai ping local people.


Chen, a paleontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Nanjing, and I, along with Stephen Q.


A paleontologist in Aus, Namibia, makes a mold of a Pteridinium by brushing multiple layers of latex on the fossil.


"Gorgeous armor," mused paleontologist Hans Larsson, examining a stack of foot-long bony scutes that looked like roofing tiles.


Some of its conical teeth, vertebrae, and foot-long armor plates, or scutes, were first discovered by French paleontologist Albert-Felix de Lapparent.


Some of its conical teeth,vertebrae,and foot-long armor plates,or scutes,were first discovered by French paleontologist Albert-Felix de Lapparent.


There were no signs that it was preyed on," local media reported geologist and paleontologist Bernardo Gonzalez Riga as saying.


Louis Mazzatenta A paleontologist in Aus, Namibia, makes a mold of a Pteridinium by brushing multiple layers of latex on the fossil.


The little chimp was named for Louis Leakey, the legendary paleontologist who sent Jane Goodall to the forests of Gombe, Tanzania, to study chimpanzees.


ZURICH, Switzerland (Reuters) -- An amateur paleontologist in Switzerland may have unearthed Europe's largest dinosaur mass grave after he dug up the remains of two Plateosaurus.


Interest in the primate was initially sparked in 1935 when a paleontologist named G.H. von Koenigswald found an old, yellow molar in a Hong Kong apothecary shop.


First described in 1872 by renowned French paleontologist Paul Gervais, Oreopithecus was more specialized for dining on leaves than was any other Old World fossil monkey or ape.


The paleontologist Paul Sereno, in 2005, conceived the concept Ornithomimiformes, defining them as all species closer to Ornithomimus edmontonicus than to Passer domesticus.


We knew that tetrapods had evolved from fish with fleshy fins akin to today's lungfish and coelacanth, a relation first proposed by American paleontologist Edward D.


"It 's fabulous to be able to see this dinosaur which lived as the age of dinosaurs came to a close," said Paul ,a paleontologist at the University of Chicago.


We propose the restoration of dinosaur reproductive ecology model point of view has been well-known paleontologist Tung Chi-ming and Chen Shuo unanimously endorsed by the South.


So what does a vertebrate paleontologist think about all the attention penguins are now getting with pop culture hits like "March of the Penguins" and "Happy Feet"?


"To say we are excited would be an understatement," said Phil Manning, a paleontologist at England's University of Manchester who is leading the examination.

“无法形容我们的那种兴奋 ”菲尔曼宁说,英格兰曼彻斯特大学考试中一直名列前茅的古生物学家。

So Dr.Shubin did what more and more evo-devo researchers are learning to do: take off one hat (paleontologist) and don another (molecular biologist).Dr.


British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum(1856-1884) and an early opponent of Darwin's theories of evolution.


That makes the newly found creature an intermediate between older forms with large horns and later small-horned relatives, said State of Utah paleontologist Jim Kirkland, who with Douglas Wolfe identified Zuniceratops in New Mexico in 1998.


"This specimen exceeds the jackpot," said excavation leader Phillip Manning, a paleontologist at Britain's University of Manchester and a National Geographic Expeditions Council grantee.


It first attacks military outposts to eat their occupants, then makes its way to the warmer latitudes of Washington and New York.A paleontologist works together with military units to try to kill it.


British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum (85'-884) and an early opponent of Darwin`s theories of evolution.


It started when University of Michigan paleontologist Philip Gingerich went to Pakistan in 1977 in search of Eocene land mammals, visiting an area previously reported to shelter such remains.


This cave was excavated in 2003-2004 by a team led by Dr.Haowen TONG, a paleontologist, from IVPP (Institute of vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences).


Ross dates a fantastically beautiful paleontologist (Cheryl);


- And this is Joey Tribbiani.- Are you a paleontologist?

|-这位是乔伊崔比亚尼 -你是古生物学家吗?

In 1966 his niece France de Broin and fellow paleontologist Philippe Taquet named the creature Sarcosuchus imperator,the


"Gorgeous armor," mused paleontologist Hans Larsson, examining a stack of foot-long bony scutes that looked like roofing tiles


"Gorgeous armor," mused paleontologist Hans Larsson, examining a stack of foot-long.bony scutes that looked like roofing tiles


Some of its conical teeth, vertebrae, and foot-long armor plates, or scutes, were first discovered by French paleontologist Albert-Felix de Lapparent


Some of its conical teeth, vertebrae, and foot-long.armor plates, or scutes, were first discovered by French paleontologist Albert-Felix de Lapparent


In 1966 his niece France de Broin and fellow paleontologist Philippe Taquet named the creature Sarcosuchus imperator, the " flesh crocodile emperor."


dinosaur national monument will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of paleontologist earl douglass' discovery of dinosaur fossils in 2009?


Dutch anatomist and paleontologist who in Java discovered in 1891 the skull and thigh bone of a hominid, Homo erectus, that came to be called “Java man.”


University of Washington paleontologist Peter Ward correlated the gap with changes in atmospheric oxygen levels found from studies of the geochemistry of the rock layers.。



n. 古生物学者 =palaeontologist

” Indeed, equal parts paleontologist and politician, Lordkipanidze seems to work around the clock, talking on his cell phone late into the night with colleagues and prospective sponsors.
