
American-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response. He won a1904 Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion.


Belgian chemist, physiologist, and physician.


Karamer, Paul Jackson (1904- ): American plant physiologist.


German - born American physiologist noted for his work on parthenogenesis.


German-born American physiologist noted for his work on parthenogenesis.


French physiologist noted for his study of the digestive and nervous systems.


Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936).


American - born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


Best:american-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


Delgado was particularly intrigued by the experiments of Swiss physiologist Walter Rudolf Hess.


German physiologist and psychologist who studied sensory response and is considered a founder of experimental psychology.


For aerobic exercise, physiologist Michael Deschenes said, "It doesn't much matter when you do it.


The physiologist recently studied indicated that evening exercises beneficially.


Comparative physiologist Christofer Clemente of the UniversitylaceCambridge in the U.


And his exercise physiologist, Andrew Garud, didn't pull any punches with him.You are where you are, he told him.


The first known hemispherectomy was performed on a dog in 1888 by German physiologist Friedrich Goltz.


English physician, anatomist, and physiologist who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body ('28).


Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response.He won a1904Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion.

巴甫洛夫,伊凡 彼得洛维奇1849-1936俄国生理学家,因发现条件反射而著名,他1904年因在研究消化作用的特征方面的贡献而获诺贝尔奖

"Precisely, monsieur," replied Monte Cristo with one of those smiles that a painter could never represent or a physiologist analyze.


She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. He was the colorful and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus.


One of my colleagues, a physiologist, trekker, artist, photographer and many other things besides was an enthusiastic participant.


Conclusion:The device of Millard s method conforms to the requirement of reconstructing the lip on the physiolog...


American physiologist once had made many investigation discovery, sexual life is the main reason of insomnia of a few people faultily.


Whether secretary or scientist, mechanic or musician, farmer or physiologist those employments are not all there is to this mortal experience.


Any negative emotions build up during the period of this condition can be also treated and addressed with a physiologist or a personal counselor.


When she first came to our firm for a consultation in May 2007, Dr.Chu was working at a medical biology company as a physiologist.


Indeed, the impact of biology on success was about equal to years of experience at the cheap diablo 2 items job, the team led by physiologist John M.


Indeed, the impact of biology on success was about equal to years of experience at the job, the team led by physiologist John M.


An environmental physiologist, Mr.Kolb visited several stadiums, and sneaked into a few others, to measure pollution with a small monitoring device.


Certainly,--and we make no attempt to dissimulate the fact,-- the observing physiologist would have beheld an irremediable misery.


French physiologist Alfred Jost seemed to prove this idea in experiments done in the 1940s, in which castrated rabbit embryos developed into females.


Professor Tang Peisong, a Chinese plant physiologist theoretically predicted that rice yield could reach as high as 18.75 t/ha in North China.


Freud, a French physiologist, concentrating all his life on treating his patients and writing books, had great influence on the western literature of the 20th century.


Italian physiologist and physician who asserted that animal tissues generate electricity. Although he was proved wrong,his experiments stimulated research on electricity.


Italian physiologist and physician who asserted that animal tissues generate electricity. Although he was proved wrong, his experiments stimulated research on electricity.


Recent research on stress-related personality disorders has already begun to rely on animal models, says Jaap Koolhaas, a Netherlands-based behavioral physiologist.


Bert Sakmann, the Nobel-winning physiologist who co-authored the paper, created this noel recording technique at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Germany.


Background and Objective The great physiologist Pavlov pointed out that learning is the establishment of conditioned reflex, and memory is the consolidation of conditioned reflex.

研究背景和目的: 伟大的生理学家、条件反射理论的创始人巴甫洛夫认为,学习是条件反射的建立过程,记忆是条件反射的巩固。

The bones of a human skull are so tightly and firmly joined that no physiologist or anatomist has succeeded in taking them apart whatever means they try.


Claude Bernard was a famous French physiologist and philosopher in the 19th century. His experimental researches almost involved all fields of physiology.

克劳德·伯尔纳是 19世纪法国伟大的生理学家和一代哲人 ,他一生的实验研究几乎遍及生理学的各个领域。

Russian physiologist, psychologist and physician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov died on February 27th at the age of 86.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904.


A patent held by veterinary physiologist Ralph Brinster of the University of Pennsylvania describes how a man with a "deleterious genetic trait" would first have a testicular biopsy to remove some of the primitive cells that develop into sperm.


The physiologist considers to discover, forceful, tit is like the breast bead, the female with lacteal demitint normal element, it is ovarian more, the person with uterine perfect development.


Australian researchers said Thursday they had found no scientific proof that hi-tech running shoes improve athletic performance or limit injury.Newcastle University physiologist Craig Richar ...


D., a physiologist from the USDA’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, recommends that you stick with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to maintain a healthy, clear mind.


From 1994 to 2002, ARS plant physiologist John Teasdale compared light-tillage organic corn, soybean and wheat with the same crops grown with no-till plus pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.


Version3,The bones forming a human skull are so tightly and perfectly joined that no physiologist and anatomist had succeeded in taking them apart without damaging them,whatever means they tried.


"We are living in a very comfortable time," said Wouter D. van Marken Lichtenbelt, a physiologist at Maastricht University who led the Dutch study."But we did not evolve in such a time.


A Famous Physiologist of Rubber Tapping in China: Xu Wenxian
