
Many music-lovers make pilgrimages to Mozart rs birthplace.


Make pilgrimages to Mougins and Abiquiu, look up and down.


I will try to make pilgrimages to Stamford Bridge in the future.


Many music-lovers make pilgrimages to Mozart's birthplace.


Since the 1980s the number of Chinese Moslems going to Mecca on pilgrimages has exceeded 40,000.


During the Middle Ages, people went on pilgrimages to holy cities and shrines.


Unhappily married women still make pilgrimages to Santa Rita of Cascia in Umbria.


On one of these pilgrimages he met with a hunchbacked old woman of great intelligence.


Priests can also use the missal for "funerals or occasional celebrations," such as pilgrimages.


For many Taiwanese baseball fans, the baseball stadiums in U.S and Japan are just like their pilgrimages of baseball.


Religious pilgrimages and other standard forms of worship were allowed but within limits.


More than 313,000 tourists make summer pilgrimages to the territory, one of North America's last great wildernesses.


The pilgrims make group pilgrimages to the temple on Buddha's birthday every year.


These pilgrimages are such defining experiences that they nourish the human spirit for years after.


Thou art the All-pervading Spirit, but I have made pilgrimages to sacred places.


On one of these pilgrimages he met with a hunchbacked old woman of great intelligence .


Since 1955, excluding the "cultural revolution" period, the Chinese Muslims have never stopped their pilgrimages to Mecca.


HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -- Thousands of Vietnamese are making pilgrimages to a beach in southern Vietnam to worship a dead whale.


In 1889,Chicago had the peculiar qualifications of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible.


Since 1955,excluding the "cultural revolution" period,the Chinese Muslims have never stopped their pilgrimages to Mecca.


HANOI, Vietnam( AP)-- Thousands of Vietnamese are making pilgrimages to a beach in southern Vietnam to worship a dead whale.


In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions, they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values.


In 1889 Chicago had the peculiar qualifications of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible.


In 1889 Chicago had the peculiar qualification of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible.


Today, Taoists still make annual pilgrimages to the Tua Pekong Temple during the ninth lunar month while Muslims visit Kramat Kusu, the Malay shrine.


Had he not issued several Declarations and a Decree to stop the pilgrimages even with the threat of automatic excommunication?


Thus, a sinner seeking purification will be advised to goon arduous pilgrimages to acquit his or her soul from earthly errorsand to gain salvation.


From c. 895 he traveled extensively as a teacher and preacher, making three pilgrimages to Mecca and gathering a large following.


These years, there has indeed been a large number of devout men and women going on pilgrimages to the Ling Yin Temple in Hangzhou.

近几年, 到杭州灵隐寺进香的善男信女真不少。

The railroad had carried the remains of Johnston's army from North Carolina to Atlanta and dumped them there, and from Atlanta they began their pilgrimages afoot.


Between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages,several dozen times the total before the founding of New China.


This made him extremely unpopular with his fellow townsmen because the pilgrimages to the Kaaba were the chief source of such prosperity as Mecca enjoyed.


Some leading figures in sixteenth-century England considered pilgrimages to Marian shrines and praying the rosary to be un-Scriptural, "superstitious", and/or idolatrous.


Whisper questions to the Sphinx at night.Sit for hours at sidewalk cafes and drink with your heroes.Make pilgrimages to Mougins and Abiquiu.Look up and down.


Pilgrimages to honor Matsu are led by two legendary figures Chien Li Yien (eyes that see a thousand miles), and Shun Feng Erh (ears that hear wherever the wind blows).


As a comparative approach to pilgrimages, this course will cover materials such as myths, legends, architecture, texts, and reports of pilgrim's journey.


Between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages, several dozen times the total before the founding of New China.

据统计,从1955年到1990年赴麦加朝觐的中国穆斯林有1.1万多人,是建国前中国舟斯林赴麦加朝觐总人数的几十倍。 近年来,每年朝觐的人数都在千人以上。

The Arabs first used it in military bands, and later used it to greet important persons, mark the beginnings of pilgrimages, and in other important ceremonies.


In Tibet, I have heard the low and deep sound of Buddhist horns coming from Buddhist temples, and seen groups of Tibetans making pilgrimages to this sacred place from far away.


During the past several years, more and more overseas Chinese were coming on pilgrimages to Jinhua Taoist Temple in the North Mountain to pay servile obeisance to him.


According to statistics,between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages, several dozen times the total before the founding of New China.


According to statistics,between 1955 and 1990 more than 11,000 Chinese Muslims participated in the Mecca pilgrimages,several dozen times the total before the founding of New China.


Religious people have the freedom to make pilgrimages to temples and monasteries,and holy mountains and lakes,including circumambulation around holy mountains and spinning prayer wheels.


The religious people go thousands of miles on pilgrimages to serve their gods without realizing that serving the hungry and the needy right at their doorsteps probably pleases the gods a lot better.


Religious people have the freedom to make pilgrimages to temples and monasteries, and holy mountains and lakes, including circumambulation around holy mountains and spinning prayer wheels.


Growing numbers of Sichuan residents, relief volunteers and even soldiers, who have no personal connection to the dead children, have been making solemn pilgrimages to the ruined schools.


For generations people have made pilgrimages to these natural gardens, knowing that to see the rhododendrons in full bloom is to witness the wild glory of the high Appalachians at their best.


Many believers have sutra rooms or shrines in their homes, and they often circumambulate monasteries and sacred places, go on pilgrimages, or invite monks or nuns to conduct Buddhist services.


Mr.Koizumi told his last news conference today (Monday) that China and South Korea were wrong to have refused summits with him because of his annual pilgrimages to the Yasukuni shrine.


Start by acknowledging the obvious: Japan brings some of this on itself, with the annual, dreadful pilgrimages to Yasukuni by Koizumi and other leading lights from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
