
She practices her religion piously.


Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine.


Pay respects to Concentration Camp piously.


"God have mercy on his soul." said my aunt piously.


"God have mercy on his soul," said my aunt piously.


The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn.


Carter ever had accepted Christian severe test piously when south.


I will tell you that how piously I have adored you for so many years.


I will pray piously, I believe God will let me find the truth of life.


The first section: Happy sowing, praying for the abundant harvest piously.


Against all the odds, the famity piously carry out this act of homage to the ir dead relative.


Against all the odds, the family piously carry out this act of homage to their dead relative.


Praying piously for 5.12 Wenchuan strong earthquake victims: giving my regards to the living,praying for the dead.


It certainly cannot be disarmed, as Israel says piously it should be, by the official Lebanese army.


Even if we pray piously , we don't forget to pray that should be after taking action either.

即使我们虔诚的祈祷 , 我们不 忘记祈祷应该是在也采取行动之后。

But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it.


He piously sang several songs, absolutely engrossed in praising God. Silently, I prayed to God to bless this devout disciple.


That day, upon reaching home, he immediately lit the best sandalwood incense before the statue of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva and worshipped piously.


But as everyone involved in reform piously vows their plan will be “budget neutral”, this cow is suddenly no longer so sacred.


It's the old conscientious versus indulgent battle, the angel piously perched on one shoulder and the devil giggling on the other.


The netizen at that time can have such experience: Waiting for Yahoo extremely piously or each picture is opened slowly on the webpage of Sohu.


He knelt down before him piously and would not get up, begging him for some directions, directing him to the right path searching for Buddha.


Buck Mulligan made way for him to scramble past and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, crossed himself piously with his thumbnail at brow and lips and breastbone.


His friends thought he had become an atheist and piously circulated gossip adducing unmentionable motives for his unbelief.His moral character was maligned.


It is surounded by high mountains ,it is said that the holy lake will show pictures of future events and reveal one's future fortune if one piously stares at the lake.


The family religious believes and rituals in Guoxian County in the early Republic of China were very popular, due to people piously respecting the ancestors and worshiping gods.


However, since my mother fell ill, I always wear dress of fresh red for its auspicious symbol, and every day I pray piously for my moth-er's health with my sincere intention.


Monkey King is gazing at the distant way on one foot, Piggy, with its naked chest and belly, Master Tang praying piously and Monk Sha carrying the luggage.


However, the gold digger of capital market still with pilgrim search the secret Ji that leads to investment success the other shore piously, probably they should wake woke.


We treat God piously, but it will be pious to us not to need extravagant hope God.


Let us return to the facade of Notre-Dame,as it still appears to us,when we go piously to admire the grave and puissant cathedral,which inspires terror,so its chronicles assert: ~quoe mole sua terrorem incutit spectantibus~.

言归正传,再说一说圣母院的门脸儿吧。这座雄伟庄严的主教堂令人骇然,正如其编年史学家所云: 见其宏伟,游人无不目瞪口呆。当我们诚惶诚恐前去瞻仰时,它如今呈现在我们面前是个什么样子,我们在这里再做些描述吧。

Surgeons who piously insist that no foreign material should ever be used for hernia repair often select nonabsorbable monofilamented polypropylene as their preferred suture for many kinds of operations.


Let us return to the facade of Notre-Dame, as it still appears to us, when we go piously to admire the grave and puissant cathedral, which inspires terror, so its chronicles assert: ~quoe mole sua terrorem incutit spectantibus~.

言归正传,再说一说圣母院的门脸儿吧。 这座雄伟庄严的主教堂令人骇然,正如其编年史学家所云:见其宏伟,游人无不目瞪口呆。 当我们诚惶诚恐前去瞻仰时,它如今呈现在我们面前是个什么样子,我们在这里再做些描述吧。

So, it is no wonder that the western artists including Matisse, Picasso, Modigliani and Klimt all derived nutrition from eastern and Chinese arts modestly and piously after their graduation.


Incense sticks and red candles are lighted, and the men (no women allowed) make obeisance and piously invite the blessing-spirits to eat away.And after this, of course, the crackers.


In the backdrop, the landscapes and atrocities of wars often seen in western religious paintings are a keen contradiction to the people piously praying in the front.Their belief looks so hopeless.


Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine


this received opinion is piously affirmed.


" Buddhist accepts a directive piously.


he behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching.


The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn


3、He had courage to doubt, where all the others piously believed.


Against all the odds, the family piously carry out this act of homage to their dead relative


A sea of men in black suits and white prayer shawls congregate there, praying loudly and piously bowing their heads;



adv. 虔诚地



Tommy piously intoned, but his accent was not entirely malicious.Even the most hardened little orphan felt sympathy for an erring sister who was summoned to the office to face an annoyed matron;
