
Other SS units were equally quick to join in the pogrom.


During the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938, the Synagogue was set ablaze.


Even if we do not go towards a financial pogrom, social conscience doubts finance as a source of real wealth.


The book focuses on the Kielce pogrom, the murder of more than 40 Jews by local Poles in July 1946.


On April 27th the Supreme Court ordered an investigation into his role in a grisly episode in this pogrom.


That pogrom followed allegations that a Muslim mob had been responsible for the deaths of Hindu activists.


Made contracts with demons from the netherworld by offering them the souls of those who died in Pogrom Forest.


More than 2,000 died in a pogrom in the state of Gujarat in 2002, for which the perpetrators have never been brought to justice.


Example: only the investigation "still picture" reported that the "events" of Tibet began with a pogrom by Chinese traders' Tibetan.

例如:目前只调查"仍在图片"报道说, "有事"的西藏,开始与计谋的,由中国贸易商藏族。

But in 1903, Nicholas II’s government encouraged a new pogrom, so Bob’s people grabbed their weapons, packed up their families, and mounted their horses.


The governors of all the provinces would have no choice but to allow such a pogrom to take place, since the official decrees of the Persian kings could not be changed.


One of Rashidi's three apprentices. Made contracts with demons from the netherworld by offering them the souls of those who died in Pogrom Forest. Was killed by the Zenobian Revolution.


Two brothers fall in love with the same girl, Zoya, a 19-year-old Jewess, in a Moscow that is readying for a pogrom[4] some time between the second world war and the death of Stalin.


And that happened after the Kristallnacht, after the first state sponsored pogrom, with hundreds of Jewish shops destroyed, synagogues burned, thousands of people put in concentration camps.


A capable administrator, Mr Modi is nevertheless tainted by the pogrom against Muslims that took place under his watch (and, some would say, with his encouragement) in Gujarat in 2002.


The protagonist is David Quixano, a Jewish immigrant, orphane d by a pogrom , who lives with his uncle on Staten Island and becomes smitten with the daughter of a Russian nobleman.


A more recent communal disaster, a pogrom in the state of Gujarat in 2002, in which more than 2,000 people, mostly Muslims, are believed to have been killed, could also be traced back to Ayodhya.


pogrom: n.



n.大屠杀 v.对……大屠杀