
Self-fertile, and will pollinate Gemini.


The very elaborate flowers do not self pollinate.


Bees and butterflies pollinate the trees in the orchard.


An Eclipse plug-in project called Pollinate is also in progress.


Wild bees will naturally then pollinate human crops.


Pollin: Yes, he did.He called me again at nine o'clock.


Many garden plants need butterflies to pollinate them.


They contract their bees out to farmers to pollinate their crops.


They serve as food for animals, and pollinate plants.


To pollinate(a flower) by means of cross-pollination.


Many kinds of plants, trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them.


Bees pollinate the flowers so the fruits or vegetables blossom each season.


Besides turning floral nectar into honey, these hardworking insects also pollinate crops for farmers -for a fee.


In the next window, select the Eclipse Pollinate Tools check box, and complete the installation.

在下一个窗口中,选择Eclipse Pollinate Tools复选框,并完成安装过程。

After installing the Pollinate plug-in successfully, you can create a new Beehive project.


Second, beekeepers can carry their hives to farmers who need bees to pollinate their crops.


Honeybees do not just make honey; they pollinate more than 90 of the tastiest flowering crops the country has.


Pollin:Yseterday morning and afternoon,he phoned my office,and my boss answered the call.


The hermaphrodite flowers with deformity germen could pollinate and fecundate normally and form fruits with deformity.


Pollin:He's a awful man!Yesterday he called me four times and three times the day before yestreday.


In exchange, they enrich the soil, pollinate flowers, and gobble up insect pests.


Pollin:And then I arrived at home at six o'clock.He called me again,but I didn't answer.


You can use this pollen immediately to pollinate the flower and other flowers on the plant or on other plants.


As a result,timber companies had to grow seed by planting seed orchards,full of elite trees that were supposed to pollinate each other.


Wild bees and the flowers they pollinate are disappearing together in Britain and the Netherlands, researchers reported on Thursday.


WASHINGTON - Wild bees and the flowers they pollinate are disappearing together in Britain and the Netherlands, researchers reported on Thursday.


As a result, timber companies had to grow seed by planting seed orchards, full of elite trees that were supposed to pollinate each other.

”所以,林业公司只能靠培植种子的果园来培养种子。 果园里种满了种树用以相互受粉。

Bees are known to affect plant evolution by spreading pollen and preferring to pollinate some types of plants over others.


But I guess that's one nobody can say for sure.That being said I do think Pollin made the right call in not letting MJ step back into the front office.


"Ferrying hives with a forklift, Vince Vazza positions his bees to pollinate a cherry orchard near Oregon's Columbia River.

温斯 瓦扎用叉车运送蜂房,他将蜜蜂送往俄勒冈州哥伦比亚河附近的一座樱桃果园授粉。

The Pollinate spell cast by the Forest Swarmer inside of the Conservatory of Life in Ulduar should no longer be spell stealable.


Scientists at the University of Virginia recently said air pollution may prevent bees from finding flowers to pollinate.


Scientists at the University of Virginia recently reported that the air pollution may prevent bees from finding flowers to pollinate.


Intent on taking over the Earth, the space plants have found a way to pollinate humans, thus turning them into walking seed carriers.


Scientists at the University of Virginia recently reported that air pollution may prevent bees from finding flowers to pollinate.


And they even can emit heat, perhaps mimicking a newly killed animal in order to entice the carrion flies that pollinate it.


MILD WINTERPOLLEN COUNTS INCREASE: A mild winter can cause trees to pollinate earlier and could bring an early start to the allergy season.


Jordan’s tight with owner Abe Pollin, the man responsible for hiring him, which offsets his tepid relationship with GM Ernie Grunfeld.


Sicentists at the University of Virginia recently reported that air pollution may prevent bees from finding flowers to pollinate.


Honey production is worth just $200m a year, but bees pollinate $15 billion-worth of fruit, vegetables and nuts, especially the $2 billion almond business.


A combination of the Eclipse IDE and Pollinate with a server such as Apache Tomcat makes a perfect environment for fast and easy Beehive application development.

Eclipse IDE和Pollinate与一个Apache Tomcat之类的服务器的组合可以构造一个完美的环境,从而简单而快速地开发Beehive应用程序。

Nor can the bees that pollinate such crops ascend in such an environment as they too have become toxic, and ultimately will perish, which is what is occurring at this time.


Our kingdom works hand in hand with the bee kingdom to pollinate each flower so that the necessary substances and DNA are present to allow for the maturing of the fruit offered.


Some Sarracenia species do not take well to being self pollinated.To get good quality seed you need to cross pollinate flowers of two non-clones of the same species.


So bees are pulling double duty for plants: not only do they pollinate flowering ones but they also scare offplant eating bugs from plants within earshot of the bees' buzzing.


"People who have the mutation all have low triglycerides," said Toni Pollin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, who led the study.


The pen-tailed tree shrews guzzled the stuff longer than they did any other food source, for an average of 138 minutes per night, in the process helping to pollinate the plants.


S. trade federation AFL-CIO, and economics professor Robert Pollin of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, warned of recession and its impact on the U.


Wild bees would also like to have a variety of flowers to pollinate as we are in need of certain substances to alter our biochemistry for the ascent ahead.


A class of undergraduates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a set of robots that can water, harvest and pollinate cherry tomato plants.
